Trainee information
The purpose of the General Practice Specialist Training scheme is to produce a GP who is capable of working independently in Primary Care in a variety of settings. During the three years or four years you will acquire the capability to identify your strengths, areas that require development and be committed to self-development and lifelong learning. These skills are acquired by a combination of clinical experience along with formal and informal teaching. Scotland provides a variety of learning opportunities across a range of environments in which we hope to stimulate learning. We have been developing a more integrated approach to the learning journey aimed at supporting you in addressing your learning needs. We have a diverse team of experienced educators throughout Scotland who, no matter in which region or programme, work together to produce high quality educational opportunities for you. The unfolding curriculum over the years of training aims to deliver educational opportunities at a stage at which they will be most beneficial to you. However, ultimately the responsibility for your learning rests with you; how you choose to use the learning opportunities is up to you in consultation with your educational supervisors.
Overview of the Scottish Learning Journey
Training as a general practitioner throughout the United Kingdom must meet the standards specified by the Royal College of General Practitioners. Every geographical deanery will deliver GP training slightly differently. However, all, including Scotland must ultimately deliver a curriculum that corresponds to the requirements for achieving MRCGP. The following diagram depicts the main components of your integrated curriculum of training:
Before immersing you in the detailed requirements of the GP curriculum, here are five important and helpful observations to get you started;
For ST1 trainees Induction is mandatory in the first 6 months, whether in a hospital or a GP placement. Application is via the normal study leave process, please book using NES Portal or refer to your regional office.
Other support and guidance suggestions can be found in the Thriving in Medicine pages
This page was last updated on: 09.02.2024 at 14.40