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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence


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Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP)

What is an ARCP?

You will receive an ARCP (Annual Review of Competence Progression) at least on an annual basis.  It is a process which enables you and the deanery to record that you are gaining all competencies required by your training programme at an appropriate rate and through appropriate experience.  It is not in itself a means or tool of assessment.

Trainees view of an ARCP.

Educators view of an ARCP.

The main Scotland Deanery ARCP pages can be found here.

    The Deanery will notify you of the dates of your ARCP these have been planned 12 months in advance and can be accessed by clicking on the tab below.  It has been agreed that GPST are required to submit their evidence at least two weeks before the date of the ARCP.  The Deanery expects a level of professionalism from all trainees and educational supervisors in this respect and requires trainees to work towards and meet this submission date.  Failure to do so will result in the issue of an outcome 5, unless exceptional circumstances apply. 

    You will be notified of your ARCP by email, 8 weeks before the date of the ARCP review.




      ARCP Date Evidence/ESR Submission Date
    August 27th - 29th August 2024 13th August
    September 24th - 26th September 2024 10th September 2024
    October 30th & 31st October 16th October 2024
    November 27th November 13th November 2024
    Winter ST3 10th - 12th December & 8th January 30th November 2024
    Winter ST1&2 14th - 16th January 2024 24th December 2024

    8th January 2025 (ST3 only)

    28th-30th January 2025

    24th December 2024

    14th January 2024


    25th-27th February 2025

    11th February 2025


    25th-27th March 2025

    11th March 2025


    23rd-24th April 2025

    9th April 2025


    27th-28th May 2025

    13th May 2025

    Summer ST3

    10th-12th June

    31th May 2025

    Summer ST1-2

    24th-27th June 2025

    14th June 2025


    9th-10th July 2025

    29th-31st July 2025

    25th June 2025

    15th July 2025

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    ARCP Checklist Documents:


    GPST1&2 ARCP Checklist 2024

    GPST3 ARCP Checklist 2024


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    Developmental Outcomes and Extensions to Training

    Outcome 5 Reviews

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    What does an ARCP panel do?

    Who is on my ARCP Panel?
