This information gives a summary of the many educational opportunities you can access over the period of your GP training in the West of Scotland, to compliment the experience you gain whilst in practice.
You may also wish to refer to the study leave guidance NES study leave guidance when looking through what is on offer to you.
The sections below provide you will more information and timetables and contact details for these opportunities.
There are eight regional training programmes in the West of Scotland and GP based teaching is organised in these programme areas.
Ayrshire & Arran
TPD: Dr Li-Anna Tan lianna.tan@aapct.scot.nhs.uk
Dumfries & Galloway
TPD: Dr Suzanne Christie Suzanne.Christie3@nhs.scot
Forth Valley
TPD: Dr Matthew Williams matthew.williams@nhs.scot
Glasgow Clyde
TPD: Dr Brian Scott brian.scott@nhs.scot & Dr Mary-Jo Coffield mary.coffield@nhs.scot
Glasgow North East
TPD: Dr Jason Laher jason.laher3@nhs.scot
Glasgow North West
TPD: Dr Barry Gibson-Smith Barry.GibsonSmith@nhs.scot
Glasgow South
TPD: Dr Carolyn McGhie carolyn.mcghie2@nhs.scot
TPD: Dr Nicandro Pacitti nicandro.pacitti@nhs.scot
A series of training courses have been organised for GPSTs in Hospital Placements. Each GPST will have an opportunity to attend these courses throughout their training as they are rolling annual programme. These courses cover clinical topics and RCGP curriculum and competency areas and are designed to bring relevance back to primary care when working in a hospital post. They are not mandatory but advisable at some point, throughout your GP training.
You should only attend once during your training.
Topics include:
Courses can be booked through Curriculum Based Teaching Programme on Turas Learn If you would like more information about a course, please email nes.gptrainingwest@nhs.scot
Please find webpage link to up to date guidance on Adult & Child Safeguarding in GP training requirements
In addition, trainees have access to national Bitesize lunchtime teaching sessions which are delivered online via TEAMS.
Trainees can also access sessions on a variety of other topics, via our National online teaching programme including sustainability, lifestyle medicine, Cancer Guidelines update and veteran’s health.
There are eight training programmes in the West of Scotland and GP based teaching is organised in these programme areas, by your local Course Organiser (CO) or Training Programme Director (TPD). Please see contact details below for your local CO who will be able to advise you of the different timetables.
Ayrshire & Arran
TPD: Dr Li-Anna Tan lianna.tan@aapct.scot.nhs.uk
COs: Dr Tommy Miller thomas.miller@aapct.scot.nhs.uk, Dr Catriona McHugh Catriona.McHugh@aapct.scot.nhs.uk, Dr Jane MacMillan Jane.MacMillan@aapct.scot.nhs.uk, Dr David Brown david.brown@aapct.scot.nhs.uk & Dr Janice Curran Janice.Currans@aapct.scot.nhs.uk
Dumfries & Galloway
TPD: Dr Suzanne Christie Suzanne.Christie3@nhs.scot
CO: Ms Anne-Marie Coxon Anne-Marie.Coxon@nhs.scot
Forth Valley
TPD: Dr Matthew Williams matthew.williams@nhs.scot
CO: Dr Julie Reid julie.reid4@nhs.scot
Glasgow Clyde
TPD: Dr Brian Scott brian.scott@nhs.scot & Dr Mary-Jo Coffield mary.coffield@nhs.scot
Glasgow North East
TPD: Dr Jason Laher jason.laher3@nhs.scot
Glasgow North West
TPD: Dr Barry Gibson-Smith Barry.GibsonSmith@nhs.scot
COs: Dr Andrew Hill Andrew.Hill@nhs.scot & Dr Neil Murray neil.murray2@nhs.scot
Glasgow South
TPD: Dr Carolyn McGhie carolyn.mcghie2@nhs.scot
TPD: Nicamdro Pacitti nicandro.pacitti@nhs.scot
CO: Dr Neil Mannis Neil.Mannis@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk
These sessions are for GP trainees whilst they are on their GP placements. They involve:
ST1 Regional Teaching Programme
This is for all ST1 trainees in a GP placement. There are a combination of facilitated and trainee led PBSGL sessions. The timetable is set in advance and sessions are mandatory for all eligible trainees.
These interactive events are delivered face-to-face and topics include: Clinical topic updates, BLS and AED update, Polypharmacy and Pragmatic prescribing, Realistic medicine and conversations, Introduction to Practice Management and Organisation, Child safeguarding, Introduction to DWP and Work Psychology.
There are two centrally-delivered NES events that GPST1s in GP placement should attend as part of their ST1 Local teaching Programmes All trainees need to book through through WoS Regional Teaching Events on Turas Learn where you can also find event information and programme content.
ST3 Regional Teaching Programme
This is for all ST3 trainees in a GP placement. There are a combination of small group facilitated and trainee led PBSGL sessions. The timetable is set in advance and sessions are mandatory for all eligible trainees. Courses can be booked through Turas Learn.
These interactive events are delivered face-to-face and topics include: Clinical topic updates, BLS and AED update, Polypharmacy and Pragmatic prescribing, Realistic medicine and conversations, Practice Management and Organisation, Appraisal and Revalidation, Wellbeing and workforce resilience, The Business of GP, MDDUS.
There are three centrally-delivered NES events that GPST3s in GP placement should attend as part of their ST3 Local teaching Programmes. All trainees need to book onto one of these courses (the same content will be repeated and m delivered on each day) through WoS Regional Teaching Events on Turas Learn where you can also find event information and programme content.
Contact Details: nes.gptrainingwest@nhs.scot
To complement the GPST Teaching Programmes, a series of training courses have been organised for GPSTs in GP placements:
Please note that if you have not been able to attend one of the courses for hospital GPST1/2s (see information section above) during your STI and ST2 hospital placements, you are welcome to register to attend these courses as an ST3 if you feel it will help you meet your learning needs. They are initially offered to trainees in hospital posts and if capacity allows are then extended to GPST3 trainees. You should only attend once during your training. These courses can also be booked through Portal.
In addition to the teaching programme, we also:
Trainees can also access sessions on a variety of other topics, via our National online teaching programme including sustainability, lifestyle medicine, Cancer Guidelines update and veteran’s health.
An additional useful reference page providing knowledge support resources for GP trainees can be found here: Home - Knowledge Support for GPs - LibGuides at The Knowledge Network, NHS Scotland