This information gives a summary of the many educational opportunities you can access over the period of your GP training in South East Scotland. You may also wish to refer to the study leave guidance NES study leave guidance when looking through what is on offer to you.
The courses on offer may change iteratively to ensure the opportunities we provide are most appropriate to meet learning needs and link to the GP curriculum.
A majority of courses are booked through TURAS learn unless otherwise specified. The relevant link to book for courses running in SE Scotland is https://learn.nes.nhs.scot/65989
More information can be found on all courses in the ‘course details’ section when booking a course on TURAS learn.
Below are links to relevant ‘descriptor documents’ which also summarise the range of courses on offer to GP trainees in the region. Please note there are 3 documents depending on the stage of training you are at. Please reference the one relevant to you
Courses are split into local teaching (mandatory sessions accessed when in GPST1 placement in GP or ST3) and regional teaching (non mandatory sessions accessed if they meet a learning need). There are also new national courses available (see further information below).
Course option timetables for regional and national teaching opportunities can be found at the links below. Like the descriptor documents, please ensure you open the one relevant to your stage of training and whether you are based in a GP or hospital post.
There are a selection of nationally delivered courses which will be starting and offered to trainees Scotland wide. Please see the course option documents and the links below for further information. A majority of these courses can be booked through the following TURAS link unless otherwise specified:
If you would like more information on courses or obtaining a TURAS learn account please email nes.gptrainingsoutheast@nhs.scot
An additional useful reference page providing knowledge support resources for GP trainees can be found at the following website:
Home - Knowledge Support for GPs - LibGuides at The Knowledge Network, NHS Scotland