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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Trainee Development and Wellbeing Service

Exam support

Assessment and Management of Delayed Examination Progress 

In medical training failure to progress in programme due to failure in mandatory examinations is a common reason for delayed training progress. Examination failure is stressful for the trainee as there are potentially high stakes of longer time in or release from training. Examination failure can also be expensive for NHS Scotland when training time needs to be extended. 

It is commonly assumed that as all doctors have passed many examinations at undergraduate level, they must be skilled in study and examination techniques. However, for many trainees this will be the first experience of balancing study with a busy and demanding job. Previously successful study methods may have become inadequate and examination more demanding and requiring of deeper knowledge and more critical thinking. 

Many exam issues will be remediable with support from the local training team and relate to lack of preparation or poor study technique and focus. Some trainees may also struggle with exams due to issues such as situation specific or general anxiety, dyslexia, dyspraxia, or memory disorder. 


Dyslexia Screening 

To assist trainees identify if dyslexia may be a factor impacting upon their training the TDWS would in the first instance direct a trainee to self-refer for a self-funded screening assessment through Dyslexia Scotland Am I dyslexic? | Dyslexia Scotland - Dyslexia Scotland  

Where the screening report suggests borderline or positive indicators a full assessment should be requested by the trainee or trainer by submitting a Contact us form and sending a copy of the initial report to tdws@nes.scot.nhs.uk. We will then refer the trainee for a funded assessment which will provide the trainee with a formal diagnosis and any recommendations for reasonable adjustments.

This page was last updated on: 10.05.2024 at 13.22
