Trainee information
Trainee doctors and dentists can apply for funded study leave. The Scotland Deanery operates a national process and system to ensure that all applications for study leave are considered on a fair, equitable and consistent basis.
The Policy and Operational Guide (pdf) was last updated in February 2024.
Foundation doctors should read their specific information about Study Leave in Foundation.
Applications must be made via Turas, the study leave app will appear within a tile called Training Programme Applications in the My Turas section when you log in. Study leave applications should be made in advance of the activity/event and logged on Turas.
The Scotland Deanery and Directors of Medical Education support the move of formal face to face teaching to delivery through the virtual environment. This has many benefits for our trainees often being easier to attend especially if the sessions are recorded.
The Deanery and DMEs support formal deanery led teaching taking place during working hours as it is integral to trainees gaining competences and achieving their training goals. Trainees should be released, where possible, to attend formal teaching regardless of the delivery method.
Many trainees will opt to attend additional teaching/educational activity as part of their own individual development. If trainees wish to attend during working hours, this will need to be approved by both the Training Programme Director and the Service Lead (or delegated representative) as set out in the Study Leave guidance. If study leave is agreed through this process, trainees should be supported to be released from clinical work to attend regardless of the mode of delivery of the activity.
Terms and Conditions should be followed if educational activity, approved by TPD and Service, is undertaken outwith working hours which may result in trainees being given time in lieu. Applications for study leave should proceed via normal mechanism on TURAS but any proposed time in lieu should be prospectively agreed with the service lead prior to undertaking the educational activity.
TPD contact details can be found on the TPD page.
For Medical Trainees, please contact the Study Leave Team:
For Dental Trainees, please contact:
This page was last updated on: 07.03.2025 at 15.09