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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Out of Programme (OOP)

Guidance for doctors in training wishing to take time out of their approved training programme for research, acting up, sabbatical or another reason.

Foundation, Specialty doctors in training including GP doctors in training(OOP)

Taking time out of programme is governed by the Gold Guide which sets out arrangements agreed by the four UK Health departments. All ‘Out of Programme’ must be prospectively approved by the programme director (PD) and Postgraduate Dean/Deputy Dean or nominated deputy (APGD/AD) responsible for the programme. All applications must include supporting documentation as described on the guidance form [PDF].

All applications for Out of Programme (with the exception of Acting Up applications and OOPC) must be approved and confirmed at least 3 months before the scheduled start of any activity, this means that the request should be submitted at least 6 months before the start of OOP. You will be required to give your Programme Director (FPD/TPD), current and next employer a minimum of 3 months’ notice of undertaking a period of out of programme.

The application form must be submitted via the online OOP application (via Turas) – paper forms will no longer be accepted. (Unless you are a dentist in training, please see section below)

The Foundation/Training Programme Director’s signature denotes that release of the doctor in training will not adversely affect delivery of the programme to other doctors in training for the period of the OOP request.

These requirements must be adhered to and failure to follow the processes and timescales set within this application form are likely to result in a request for OOP being declined.

For doctors in training with Visas, please check with the conditions of your visa before applying, as Home Office rules may preclude taking time out of programme.

OOP applications cannot be approved for doctors in training in their first year of training. Normally, OOP will not be approved in the final 3 months of training. In some exceptional circumstances, the Postgraduate Dean/Deputy/APGD/AD Director may exercise discretion regarding the timing of the OOP.

Doctors in training are advised to seek clarification from their employer regarding their pension contributions and any statutory rights and benefits whilst undertaking a period OOP.


Dentists in Training: Please refer to Dental Gold Guide. Dentists in Training should refer to the application form (Appendix 3) within the Dental Gold Guide and submit it to the Associate Postgraduate Dean.


Further information is available on the different types of OOP and Acting Up.

Guidance on OOPE (Experience)

Guidance on OOPR (Research) 

Guidance on OOPT (Training) 

Guidance on OOPC (Career Break)

Guidance on OOP Acting Up

Guidance on Deferral/Postponement  

Evidence Requirements for OOP


Further information on OOP is available on the GMC website.



This page was last updated on: 22.11.2024 at 16.19
