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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Trainee information

Deanery guidance on OOP training

There are various circumstances that may lead to a request for prior approval of experience working in another centre to be counted towards your training.  These include experience in a specialist area, experience of a different healthcare system, a temporary change in family circumstances, etc.  Plans must be discussed with your TPD and if supported by them you will then need to obtain College approval for your application.  The next step is to submit a formal application to the Postgraduate Dean.  If the location of your proposed training is already approved by the GMC then only College and Dean’s approval are required.  If the location does not already have approval then prior approval of your application by the GMC is required.  Once you have taken up your OOPT post you will be required to submit evidence for your ARCP in the Deanery programme as usual and therefore it is recommended that WPBAs continue and your e-portfolio is maintained and updated throughout the OOP period.

This page was last updated on: 21.06.2021 at 14.56
