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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Trainee Development and Wellbeing Service

Wellbeing & health

Keeping well is easier than getting well. 

Get the basics right – eat healthily, stay hydrated, exercise, sleep well, develop and maintain interests, keep up with family and friends, and enjoy yourself.  If you enjoy alcohol, do so in moderation (everything in moderation, except moderation itself – you can’t overdo that!). 

At work – do the same – give yourself a break, metaphorically and literally speaking.  That break clears your head, restores your energy and focus and allows you to achieve more while feeling better.  Take a walk in the fresh air, have a healthy snack, or just have a cup of tea and a chat with a colleague. 

Maintain your work/life balance.  Arrive and finish on time while being professional as being a doctor doesn’t always fit into a 9-5 existence.  Plan and commit to your time away from work as much as you do for work.  Do include time for just doing nothing. 

What can you do if it’s not working? 

Speak to someone.  Your colleague, your supervisor, your F/TPD, family or friends.  You choose – it may be to just offload, to seek advice, to request a solution(s), or just to flag it’s not working for you.   

What does your employer offer? 

Lots!  Check your employer’s intranet under health and wellbeing, occupational health, or human resources.  Ask your supervisor. 

What does the Deanery offer? 

A chat with your TPD 

Access to one of the experienced Associate Postgraduate Deans (APGDs) working within TDWS, so out with your normal training structure and supports, help with exam failures, careers advice, advice about less than full-time training, or just an (experienced) pair of ears. 

What else is out there? 

National Wellbeing Hub 

Thriving in Medicine

BMA Counselling 

Doctors’ Support Network 

Academy of Medical Royal Colleges – supports list 

Workforce Specialist Service - NHS practitionerhealth

Breathing Space

NHS - 5 steps to mental wellbeing

Doctors in Distress

Sources of support for your wellbeing (bma.org.uk)


Take home messages 

Work at being and staying well.  Don’t sweat the small stuff or something not in your control. If it’s not working do something yourself, ask for help when needed and not when it all becomes too much. If it does get too much get help. 


This page was last updated on: 20.05.2024 at 10.45
