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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Trainee Development and Wellbeing Service

FAQ's & Top Tips

This section has been developed to help answer some frequently asked questions surrounding return to work. These are in addition to the formal checklists for returning to work.

How do I use Keeping in Touch (KIT) days?

You can work up to 10 days during maternity or adoption leave (KIT days) and up to 20 days during Shared Parental Leave (SPLIT days). These are not obligatory and do not have to be consecutive days, but you can use them if you wish.

It is generally recommended that you use these days during the unpaid portion of maternity leave or on the days that you receive Statutory Maternity Pay. This is because you will not receive maternity pay for the day that you work but will be paid for the hours you work at your usual hourly rate. These days must also be taken before your accrued annual leave starts.

Such days can include attending teaching days, conferences, courses or working a shift during the week or weekend. Keep in mind you may need to arrange childcare although some events and conferences now support attending with babies. Consider what would work best for you, and your circumstances.

These days are paid and may help you feel more confident in thinking about return to work. Payment forms are arranged locally through your Board.

Keeping in Touch days are not available for all forms of leave so please discuss with your TPD or clinical director if a similar format would be of benefit to you. This may be of consideration if you are returning from a period of Out of Programme Research (OOPR) or Experience (OOPE). This will need to be considered carefully in relation to sick leave and may not be reimbursed in the same way.

 Can I return to the same department I was last working in?

For many trainees, returning to a familiar environment where they know the staff and who may understand their period of absence can be very helpful. Discussing this preference early with your TPD can be helpful in planning a return to a placement you are comfortable with.

 How does my absence affect ARCP/CCT date?

When a trainee has been absent for a total of 14 days (20 days in the case of Foundation training) or more, a review will be triggered by the ARCP panel to decide whether the trainee needs to have their core training programme end date or CCT date extended to take into account a period of absence and/or phased return to training. This review will consider occupational health advice and evidence of competence and progression aligned with the curriculum.

Who needs to know my return to work date?

Your return to work date should initially be discussed with your educational supervisor and Trainee Programme Director. Once a return date has been decided, the rota co-ordinator, HR department and service leads will need to be informed to ensure you have a rota, your pay is confirmed, and you have an appropriate induction. If you have been off due to a period of illness, this date may also need to be discussed with Occupational Health and consideration given to reasonable adjustments. The Director of Medical Education office should also be informed by your Educational Supervisor /Training Programme Director in line with the national guidance detailed above.

I think I will require reasonable adjustments, who should I discuss this with?

It is important, if you think you may require adjustments in relation to your training or working environment to discuss this with your educational supervisor and TPD in the first instance. They will be able to provide you with direct support and refer you to the correct teams for specialist advice, in most cases this will include Occupational Health, and they may also suggest a meeting with the Trainee Development and Wellbeing Service.

Access to Work is a useful resource that can help assess your needs and provide support in getting back to work if you have a physical, mental health condition or disability. Access to Work: get support if you have a disability or health condition: What Access to Work is - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

What if I experience unexpected issues during my return to work?

If your return to work is not going as planned or you are experiencing issues, please reach out early to your Educational Supervisor and Training Programme Director. Your Educational Supervisor may have arranged an early meeting to check in following your return to work but please make contact earlier if needed. You can also arrange a meeting with the Trainee Development and Wellbeing Service who are able to discuss your situation in confidence with you and offer support and guidance.


Top Tips

Consider planning annual leave early

Consider thoughtful planning of annual leave particularly in the early period of your return to work. It can be easy to get caught up in the clinical work environment but remember to balance this with time off as maintaining your well-being is important.

Consider what information you are comfortable sharing with colleagues

Each individual will feel differently about what they wish their work colleagues to know about their period of time away from work. For some, communicating directly that they have been away from training can allow them to set expectations and ensure appropriate supervision. For others, an agreement with their educational supervisor about what they feel comfortable to be shared can be enough to ensure the right support and supervision is available.

Check log ins are up to date

Ensuring working logins for electronic patient recording systems and NHS email ahead of time can minimise stress during your return to work. Each board will have different methods for these so ensure you check ahead of time.

Consider time for educational events and courses

Make time for your own educational needs and professional development. This will include considering time and study leave for educational events and courses. For some trainees, specific courses are needed for their curriculum and ARCP.  


This page was last updated on: 30.08.2024 at 09.58
