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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

If you are an APGD:

1. When deanery teams are planning ARCPs, you may be invited to join a panel for the desktop review / trainee meetings.  If you are going to be a panel member:

2. An APGD will be required to attend desktop review meetings where it is anticipated that a trainee will receive a developmental outcome.  Attendance at outcomes 3 and 4 is essential, at outcome 2s is recommended. All outcome 3 and 4 decisions must be discussed with the Postgraduate Dean prior to issue. You may be called upon to attend a number of different panels in this 'senior educator' role, including those which are not 'your' specialty.  Meetings with trainees follow the desktop review, you may be asked to participate or chair these meetings.  In all cases, please liaise with your deanery team for further information.

3. In relation to outcome 5, trainees are required to submit all evidence by a specified deadline date in advance of ARCP.  The deanery expects a level of professionalism from all trainees in this respect and requires trainees to work towards and meet their submission date.  Failure to do so will result in the issue of an outcome 5, unless exceptional circumstances apply.  Exceptional circumstances must be declared before the submission date.  For all potential outcome 5 situations, please use the outcome 5 flowchart to assist you.

4. Following ARCP, the trainee is required to sign off their ARCP form.  They are signing to demonstrate that they have been informed of the outcome, not that they agree with it.  Deanery administrators will check that all trainees in receipt of a developmental outcome have signed off the outcome.  If the trainee has not, the deanery administrator will send out a reminder email; if there is still no response, the administrator will escalate to TPD/FPD who may then refer to yourself in your role as APGD if it has not been resolved.

This page was last updated on: 13.02.2025 at 11.30
