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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

If you are a TPD / FPD:


1. Please familiarise yourself with the following documents:

ARCP process

Outcome 5 Flowchart

ARCP Roles and Responsibilities

2. At least six months in advance, your deanery administrator will be in contact with you to agree dates for your ARCP (desktop review) and follow-up trainee meetings.

3. As a formal part of the ARCP process, some trainees (but not all) will be invited to a meeting to discuss their outcome. If you would like to take the opportunity to meet with all of your trainees on an annual basis (educational review meetings), this can be arranged, however these are not part of the ARCP process itself. Please contact your deanery administrator to discuss.

4. If you manage a regional specialty programme, please consider options to collaborate with your equivalent programmes in other regions. This can improve consistency and fairness. Please contact your deanery administrator to discuss.

5. Please ensure that you have completed training required for ARCP. Equality & Diversity training must be completed  every three years and Deanery ARCP training materials must be reviewed annually.

6. In relation to outcome 5, trainees are required to submit all evidence by a specified evidence submission deadline in advance of the ARCP.  The deanery expects a level of professionalism from all trainees in this respect and requires trainees to work towards and meet their submission date.  Failure to do so will result in the issue of an outcome 5, unless exceptional circumstances apply.  Exceptional circumstances must be declared before the submission date (see process document for full details).  For all potential outcome 5 situations, please use the outcome 5 flowchart to assist you.  Please encourage your trainees to submit their evidence within the required timescales.

7. FPDs will be required to sign off SOAR declarations for F2 trainees.  Sign-off is required at least 2 weeks before the date of the ARCP.  [Educational Supervisors should sign off SOAR declarations for all core and specialty trainees, however the TPD can sign off in lieu of the educational supervisor if they are unable to complete the sign-off.]

8. Please review your trainees' educational supervisor reports in advance of the ARCP.  Where you anticipate that a trainee may receive a developmental outcome, please let the deanery team know as early as possible.  The deanery will ensure that an APGD is available to attend the ARCP (desktop review), and, if appropriate, trainee meetings.  You and/or the educational supervisor should also discuss the likelihood of the developmental outcome with the trainee (in advance of the ARCP). All outcome 3 and 4 decisions must be discussed with the Postgraduate Dean prior to issue. 

9. During the ARCP (desktop review), your deanery administrator will take notes on the panel discussion in relation to developmental outcomes.  They will record all outcomes on TURAS, where possible during, or directly following, the desktop review. Foundation outcomes will be recorded on e-portfolio.  The ARCP outcome form will be completed at the desktop review on e-portfolio or in paper format.

10. The deanery recommends that a member of the panel completes a feedback form for each Educational Supervisor Report that they review.  Administrators can provide template options, and a member of the panel should be nominated to take on the role of completing the forms.  If the panel found that the quality of the educational supervisor's report was below standard and did not contain enough evidence to support the judgement made by the educational supervisor, as TPD/FPD, you will be required to follow this up with the educational supervisor.

11. Following ARCP, the trainee is required to sign off their ARCP form.  They are signing to demonstrate that they have been informed of the outcome, not that they agree with it.  Deanery administrators will check that all trainees in receipt of  a developmental outcome have signed off the outcome.  If the trainee has not, the deanery administrator will send out a reminder email; if there is still no response, the administrator will escalate to yourself as TPD/FPD to follow up with the trainee.  If still not resolved you can escalate to your APGD.




This page was last updated on: 13.02.2025 at 11.30
