Trainee information
ARCP requirements for Foundation doctors can be found here.
2021 Curriculum
A presentation on the 2021 Foundation curriculum for CS and ES by Dr Fiona Cameron, Foundation School Director for Scotland
A quick guide for Educational and Clinical Supervisors about the new curriculum can be found here.
General FAQs below:
Will Turas generate a log of all completed assessments for use in appraisal?
Dear [educator]
A ticket that you have raised for [Trainee Name] has been completed by [Ticket recipient Name].
Please click link…..
What happens with open attention items from previous blocks?
Is attendance at core teaching mandatory as our department is busy at the time this is scheduled?
CS/ ES progress rating, below is wording to help and support this activity.
Please describe the foundation doctor’s performance as you have observed in the workplace.
A comment for each (HLO) of the Foundation Programme Curriculum 2021 is required to support/justify the ratings.
No Concern |
If you are unable to comment on a particular area, then please rate the HLO as ‘no concern’ and write ‘not observed’ in the comment. |
Some Concern * |
Please use the term ’Some Concern ‘to give feedback to the foundation doctor on specific areas of practice that need development. |
Major Concern * |
Use ’Major Concern‘ if you feel the doctor is significantly below the level of practice you might expect in a particular area. |
* If you select ’Some Concern ‘or ’’Major Concern’ you will be asked to specify the area of practice or FPC(s) you have concerns about directly. Comments are mandatory and please provide a comment to support and justify the assessment rating.
Particular attention should be paid to highlighting any areas of excellence or areas of concern that may require educational support. Please be as specific as possible.
Higher Learning Outcomes (HLO)
HLO 1: An accountable capable and compassionate doctor (FPC 1‐5) |
HLO 2: A valuable number of the healthcare workforce (FPC 6‐10) |
HLO 3: A professional, responsible for their own practice and portfolio development (FPC 11‐13) |
1 |
Clinical assessment: assess patient needs in a variety of clinical settings include acute, non‐acute and community. |
6 |
Sharing the vision: work confidently within and, where appropriate, guide the multi‐professional team to deliver a consistently high standard of patient care based on sound ethical principles. |
11 |
Ethics and law: demonstrate professional practice in line with the curriculum, GMC, and other statutory requirements through development of a professional portfolio. |
2 |
Clinical prioritisation: recognise and, where appropriate, initiate urgent treatment of deterioration in physical and mental health. |
7 |
Fitness for practice: develop the skills necessary to manage own personal wellbeing. |
12 |
Continuing Professional Development (CPD): develop practice, including the acquisition of new knowledge and skills through experiential learning; acceptance of feedback and, if necessary, remediation; reading and, if appropriate, by research. |
3 |
Holistic planning: diagnose and formulate treatment plans (with appropriate supervision) that include ethical consideration of the physical, psychological, and social needs of the patient. |
8 |
Upholding values: act as a responsible employee, including speaking up when others do not act in accordance with the values of the healthcare system. |
13 |
Understanding medicine: understand the breadth of medical practice and plan a career. |
4 |
Communication and care: provide clear explanations to patients/carers, agree a plan, and deliver healthcare advice and treatment where appropriate. |
9 |
Quality improvement: take an active part in processes to improve the quality of care. |
5 |
Continuity of care: contribute to safe ongoing care both in and out of hours. |
10 |
Teaching the teacher: teach and present effectively. |
CSR ESR TAB PSG e‐portfolio evidence PSA certificate – F1 only |
CSR ESR TAB PSG e‐portfolio evidence |
CSR ESR e‐portfolio evidence Learning log Engagement in feedback on training SOAR |
Are the people in the Placement Supervision Group (PSG) decided by the ES?
Is the PSG Feedback requirement similar to TAB
Is there a minimum number of members needed in the PSG?
Should the Foundation doctor have an input as to who is included in the PSG?
Can additional TABs or PSGs be done if you have concerns about a Foundation doctor?
What do I do if I am nominated to complete a PSG Form?
Please could I have more information about the summary narrative and CS/ES role in this?
Does the Foundation doctor complete a summary narrative every four months or just once for the year?
Is there a minimum number of SLEs per block?
How do we flag up specific mental health/ psychosocial aspects of cases on Turas for the portfolio?
Who completes the end of placement report?
Who completes the end of year report?
It seems a lot for new graduates.
This page was last updated on: 10.03.2025 at 11.52