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Scotland Deanery

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How to apply for LTFT training - guidance and forms

In conjunction with Improving Doctor in Training Working Lives and to streamline processes across Scotland, from August 2021, trainees will have the option to request LTFT for the duration of their Training Programme as opposed to resubmission of a new application each rotation. For future rotations, as per Standard agreed practice, Health Boards will have the facility to run rotation reports via Turas TPM and notify the Deanery if there is any reason (such as for patient safety) why they are unable to accommodate a trainee’s current sessions for their next rotation.  The Deanery will then be in contact with the trainee to discuss options available.

If a trainee wishes to increase or decrease their sessions, submission of a Form D will be required with at least 3 months’ notice.

LTFT Flowchart August 2021 [PDF]

Criteria for Assessment of Application for LTFT Training:

  • A trainee should have clear well-founded reasons for seeking LTFT training.
  • The LTFT post should be EWTD compliant. (Whilst this is the responsibility of the employer the trainee is required to co-operate with compliance monitoring).
  • There must be resources to meet the additional LTFT training programme.
  • If funding is available there must be good reasons to deny/delay LTFT training to the individual.
  • Educational capacity and approval are available within the unit in which the LTFT training is to be accommodated and delivery of care to patients can be maintained with the proposed LTFT proportion.

In order for LTFT training to proceed there must be agreement that:

  • Appropriate training is possible, and that this will not impact on the training of others within the department.
  • The Service needs of the department can be met, this means that a full agreement with the Service must be reached to ensure that this arrangement can be accommodated without affecting patient care/rotas, etc.
  • Adequate funding exists.

Therefore, even if a trainee does fulfill the eligibility criteria it is essential that agreement is reached by all interested parties before arrangements can be confirmed.  To this end the Associate Dean will liaise with the appropriate Training Programme Director (TPD), who will in turn, liaise with the Service.  If either the TPD or Service decline the request to work LTFT, they must provide a written reason for this.

Once approval has been granted, an appropriate start date organised and the amount of pro rata training agreed, the Deanery will confirm this arrangement in writing with all those concerned including the trainee and the relevant HR department.  The arrangements for each case are organised on an individual basis.

Checklist prior to offering a flexible appointment [PDF]

Application process

1. Make initial / informal enquiries with your relevant Associate Postgraduate Dean by completing a contact form for the Trainee Development & Wellbeing service (TDWS).
Once you are ready to make a formal request ( this should be done at least 3 months prior to taking up post/wishing to take up LTFT training),  please complete the formal process as follows:

2. Complete Form A [DOCX]. This involves discussion with your Training Programme Director (TPD), and their signature is requested on this form to indicate educational approval.  

3. A meeting with an Associate Postgraduate Dean may be arranged by the TDWS team or, if it is felt this is not required, the Associate Postgraduate Dean will sign the Form A. All trainees wishing to meet with an      Associate Postgraduate Dean will be accommodated.

4. Deanery liaises with the Health Board to confirm that they can accommodate the LTFT arrangement, including the trainee’s preferred proportion of WTE. 

5. When this has been obtained, the Deanery will inform you (in writing) that your application has been approved.  

6. There will be an annual review of the arrangements (Form C) which will be undertaken via Questback.  You will be notified when this requires to be completed.

Multi-Region and National programmes

The process for approval and organisation of LTFT training for trainees in National programmes in Scotland may differ slightly in logistical terms from those in regional programmes, although based on the same eligibility criteria and principles as all LTFT trainees.

1. Make initial / informal enquiries with your relevant Associate Postgraduate Dean by completing a contact form for the Trainee Development & Wellbeing service (TDWS)
Once you are ready to make a formal request (this should be done at least 3 months prior to taking up post/wishing to take up LTFT training),  please complete the formal process as follows:

2. Complete Form A [DOCX]. This will involve discussion with your local educational supervisor and TPD. TPD signature is required on this form to indicate educational approval.

3. A meeting with an Associate Postgraduate Dean may be arranged by the TDWS team or, if it is felt this is not required, the Associate Postgraduate Dean will sign the Form A. All trainees wishing to meet with an Associate Postgraduate Dean will be accommodated.

4. Associate Postgraduate Dean contacts the local educational supervisor and Service to indicate that the trainee is eligible and to request whether the request can be supported by the Service and local trainers, known as the Form B.   

5. The TPD and Associate Dean in the Specialty's host region is copied into the letter for information and they can either approve or deal with any training issues.

6.  An annual review of LTFT training will take place as with all LTFT trainees via Questback.  This is known as the Form C.

Deanery LTFT Appeals

If the Deanery are unable to support your application for LTFT, and you disagree with the decision, you have the right to appeal.  Please submit a covering email, with completed Form E [DOC] to Please be advised that the appeal process is only applicable to declined requests for LTFT rather than a the service being unable to accommodate your preferred proportion of WTE.

Your appeal will be passed to the Lead Dean Director for LTFT for consideration.  As per the NHS Scotland Complaints Handling Procedure, we aim to respond to your appeal within five working days, where possible.  Further information on the NHS Scotland Complaints Handling Procedure can be found here [PDF].

Forms and flowcharts

Below are links to all the relevant forms and systems for LTFT training.

Form A [DOCX] - Application

Form B [DOCX] - Service Approval

Form C - Annual Review via Questback

Form D [DOCX] - Request to change percentage

Form E [DOC] - Notification of Appeal

LTFT training in Foundation

LTFT training in Core and Specialty

New entry: Applications to a training programme will be made in the normal way through Specialty Recruitment.  A wish to train LTFT can be indicated on your Oriel application however confirmation of eligibility from the relevant Associate Dean will be required prior to application.  The short listing and interview committees will not be aware of the desire to train LTFT.

Once appointed to a programme the trainee should make an appointment to see the Associate Dean in the Deanery to which they have been appointed as soon as possible.  They will be asked to complete an application form (Form A), which will be sent to them in advance or downloaded from this page.  Trainees can specify on original Form A whether the request is for the duration of their Training Programme or fixed time period.

  • Some may start training LTFT and request an increase in their sessions or transfer to full-time training (using Form D [DOCX]) when their circumstances permit although this will depend on the availability of funding and training capacity.
  • Trainees should be aware that completion dates will be adjusted in line with the time equivalence of the programme.
  • LTFT trainees will require programme management to ensure that they fulfil the educational requirements of the appropriate Royal College.
  • It is the responsibility of the trainee to inform the relevant College/Faculty about their LTFT training arrangements.

Trainee responsibilities

  • The trainee must liaise with the rota master and rota arrangements should be monitored.
  • The trainee must tell the College Faculty of their new arrangements.  They must let the Deanery know of any changes in circumstances as soon as possible. 

Pay structures

The LTFT trainee must ensure that they are being paid at the appropriate rate.

Details of the pay structure for LTFT trainees [DOC]

Student or Skilled Worker Visa

You will require to meet the minimum salary threshold as set out by the Home Office, please see link below for further information: 

Annual review

The continuing need and eligibility for LTFT training, the training needs of the trainee with regards to suitability for continuance of LTFT training and the needs of the department overall will be reviewed on an annual basis.

Change of circumstances

Where circumstances change, and the trainee wishes to increase sessional commitment, the trainee should contact the Training Programme Administrator for the Deanery. Training Management Team - Scotland Deanery (

All attempts to alter the LTFT training arrangement will be made where appropriate in discussion with the Training Programme Director and Service.  All changes of circumstance will be recorded on Form D [DOCX].

Inter-Deanery transfer (IDT)

Inter-Deanery transfers are at the discretion of the Lead Dean Director, relevant Training Programme Director and Associate Dean (LTFT training).  The trainee must identify an appropriate change in circumstance, and if approved must await the availability of a post through the Inter-Deanery Transfer programme.

Appraisal & assessment

LLTFT training posts are subject to the same appraisal and assessment processes as full-time trainees.

College requirements

Individual Colleges have different requirements for training towards CCT.  Out-of-hours commitment requirements are particularly variable and may necessitate individual programme tailoring.  Some Colleges specify the minimum amount of out-of-hours work which is required for their trainees over a specific period.

Information on College requirements and relevant contacts for specialties are available through the Deaneries or directly from the individual Colleges or through the College websites.

Most colleges require individual approval of training programmes for LTFT trainees although this is under review.  Therefore it is essential that trainees discuss the training programme with the Training Programme Director, and ensure that any required paperwork is completed.

This page was last updated on: 24.05.2024 at 12.02
