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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Quality management

Scottish GP Training Practice Accreditation Application


It is important for the Scotland Deanery to know that its GP Training Practices are performing to an appropriate standard. They need to provide an appropriate educational environment, meeting a certain standard. The GMC, the RCGP and various other statutory bodies in the UK have a stake in both setting the standard – i.e. what’s good enough – and ensuring that the Deanery monitors how well that standard is being adhered to.

The standards for Specialty Training, including GP training have been defined by: *  The General Medical Council (GMC) in ‘The Trainee Doctor’, and from January 2016 'Promoting Excellence'

*  The Royal College of GPs (RCGP) which has adapted GMC standards for use in General Practice, see here. 


Approved GP Training Practices in Scotland also require an understanding of and compliance with: * NHS Education for Scotland (NES)Training Practice Agreement * NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Doctors in Difficulty Policy (NESDiD ) * European Working Time Directive 2009 (EWTD)  * Data Protection Act 1998  * Freedom of Information Act 2000 

GP Training Practices must meet the statutory requirements of the General Medical Services Contract (GMS contract) 

To ensure that you are aware of the breadth and detail of the standards GP Training Practices have to meet, we ask you to complete the declaration below.

I have read, understood and agree to act in accordance with the:

* GMC Standards for Specialty Training

* RCGP Standards for GP training

* NES Training Practice Agreement

* NES Doctors in Difficulty Policy

* European Working Time Directive 2009

* Data Protection Act 1998

* Freedom of Information Act 2000.

* GMS contract

Please tick here to certify the above    




In circumstances where a GP Training Practice also fulfills a supervisory role with GP Retainers and Foundation trainees, Quality Management processes benefit from a sharing of information included in this form for which your consent is required. 

I consent to sharing of information in this document with the NES Quality Management team.     

Please tick here to certify the above   




The process for GP Training Practice accreditation in Scotland comprises an evaluation of evidence from four different sources

* Training Practice self submission document * Trainee feedback from Scottish Training Survey (STS) and GMC National Training Survey(NTS)

* Training Programme Director Feedback 

* Visits to Practices 

o to all practices seeking first approval as a new Training Practice 

o to all approved Training Practices within two years of first approval

o Targeted Visits to approved Training Practices in response to concerns raised in feedback from stakeholders, including Training Programme Directors and Trainees, or in response to a declaration of major changes within the practice to the Deanery Quality Management Group

o Quality Assurance visits to a minimum 10% random sample per annum of Training Practices who have submitted an accreditation application.


Insert link to form

This page was last updated on: 13.07.2016 at 14.06
