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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Lay Representatives

In 2009 NES appointed lay representatives to bring an additional level of scrutiny to our quality management processes. This helps us meet requirements stipulated by both the Conference of Postgraduate Medical Deans (COPMeD) and the General Medical Council (GMC).

  • Lay Representatives bring a valuable non-clinical perspective to various aspects of Deanery work.
  • The purpose of the lay representative is to bring knowledge and experience that, combined with a non-clinical perspective, provide objectivity
  • The lay representative brings an independent external view and a broader basis for our inquiries and judgements.
  • Lay representatives are part of Medical Directorate panels/committees at various local and national events relating to the management of postgraduate medical education. 
  • The lay representative is non-medical and impartial, with a fundamental role of ensuring transparency and adherence to due process.  
  • Lay representatives are asked to complete a short online feedback form after each event they attend. 
  • If the lay representative observed non-adherence to due process they would be contacted by the local Quality Improvement Manager (QIM) for further information.
  • The lay representative can also raise an issue with the event chair during or at the end of an event.

» Lay Representative Policy and Procedure (pdf)

» Lay Representative Roles and Responsibilities (pdf)

Feedback Forms

Lay representatives should use the forms below to provide feedback following attendance at NES activities. Please select the form relevant to your region.



This page was last updated on: 11.12.2023 at 10.31
