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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Dr. Alun Hughes

SMERC Member


Email: ah200@st-andrews.ac.uk


Dr Alun Hughes is the Head of the Education Division in the School of Medicine at the University of St Andrews. A pharmacologist/physiologist by training, he transitioned into medical education in 2011 and has since lead on the development of medical curricula (including Scotland’s first graduate entry medical programme), as well as the development of education-focussed staff and education research within his institute.


His current research interests are around the use of technology to adapt teaching both reactively (e.g. in response to the COVID pandemic) and pro-actively (e.g. the use of technology-enhanced learning to augment student learning, especially around extended reality and artificial intelligence). He has also interested in the management of risk in educational environments associated with technology use (e.g. incidental findings during practical sessions using ultrasound).

