NHS Education for Scotland Logo

Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Your development

Leadership in Training

COVID-19 Information



Aims and objectives


Learning outcomes


Target audience



The cost of the one-day course is £175 payable upon booking.

Cancellations and Refunds: Please note that full automated refund can be generated from the Portal for cancellations up to 4 weeks prior to the course.  Within 4 weeks of the course date, refunds may be given in exceptional circumstances only.


Course Dates


 Time  Venue  Availability


Register & book

Places can only be booked through the FDA IT Platform, by creating an account and accessing 'Resources for Experienced Trainers'. 

Due to compatibility issues, some devices are not suitable for booking onto courses. 

Please ensure both your The Knowledge Network account and your NES Portal account have your most up to date details, using the same contact email address for both.  

Bookings cannot be transferred onto different cohorts. 

Booking Guide



Please contact us at fda.admin@nes.scot.nhs.uk



This page was last updated on: 20.06.2022 at 14.10
