Quality Management
Scotland Deanery QM - QI Processes: What PDs need to know
PDs (and their STCs):
- have a vital role in supporting Scotland Deanery’s QM-QI processes to improve the quality of training delivered to the doctors in the posts associated with their training programmes.
- should share the intelligence they gather around the strengths and weaknesses of training in the posts in their training programmes with their specialty Quality Management Group (sQMG), which is the group that manages the data, information and intelligence relating to training in specialties in sites, around Scotland. This also includes submission of an annual PD report to the sQMG in July of each training year. The information and intelligence that merit sharing with the sQMG are described. They will also be asked to share any intelligence they possess with visit panels in the preparation for QM-QI visits to monitor the quality of training.
- can be asked to respond to particular issues that arise through the Deanery’s QM-QI processes. This can be to provide further information to elucidate an issue. It may be to convey positive feedback to trainers who are noted for training particularly well. They may be asked to contribute to, and follow through an action plan to address concerns that arise from ‘programme visits’ where some aspect of a training programme may not meet the GMC’s standards for medical education and training.
- are also expected to encourage their trainees to engage with and complete survey tools to inform QM processes about the quality of training they receive. These survey tools include the annual GMC National Training Survey (that is run in April and early May of each year) and NES’ end of post, Scottish Trainee Survey (that is run 4monthly, 6monthly or annually depending on trainees’ rotations).
In order to fulfil the expectations of PDs contributions to the Deanery’s QM-QI processes, it is important for PDs to understand the GMC’s regulatory framework that determines what Deaneries must do to ensure the GMC’s standards for training are being achieved, and also to understand the Deanery’s processes for discharging our responsibilities (the Scotland Deanery QM-QI framework). These are described in the pdf below in full.
Please see also the Quality section on this website.
Scotland Deanery QM-QI Processes (pdf)

The stairway to QM and QI in Scotland: key players and structures.
This page was last updated on: 23.02.2022 at 09.17