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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Programme Director Role

The Programme Director should:

  • participate in or provide advice to NES Specialty and Foundation Training Boards (STBs) as requested;
  • chair/participate in local arrangements (including Specialty Training Committees (STCs) developed by the Postgraduate Dean to support and advise on the management of the specialty training programme(s) within the region or across regional boundaries;
  • work with delegated College/Faculty representatives (e.g. college tutors, regional advisors) and national College/Faculty training or Specialty Advisory Committees (SACs) to ensure that programmes deliver the specialty curriculum and enable trainees to gain the relevant competences, knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience;
  • take into account the collective needs of trainees in the programme when planning training for individual trainees;
  • ensure the allocation of trainees to appropriate placements and the coordination of rotational arrangements.
  • manage the provision of study leave within the programme, through NES Trainee Management System - Turas.
  • coordinate and participate in the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) process;
  • be trained in equality and diversity to promote equality of opportunity and eliminate unfair discrimination;
  • provide support for clinical and educational supervisors within the programme;
  • contribute to the annual quality assessment process in the specialty including the provision of an annual Training Programme report to the Deanery to support the Annual Deanery Report to GMC;
  • provide and validate programme information to support NES information services and GMC requirements
  • ensure that all trainees receive a comprehensive induction into the specialty and to ensure that any subsequent induction to placements within the programme takes place in a timely manner;
  • help the Postgraduate Dean manage trainees who are running into difficulties by supporting educational supervisors in their assessments and in identifying remedial placements where required;
  • provide advice on Out-of-Programme activities and how these may be accessed
  • have adequate time within their job plans to undertake these responsibilities.

Programme Directors also have a career management role. They will need to:

  • be familiar with the Deanery policy for careers management and counselling which covers the needs of all trainees in their specialty programme.
  • have career management skills (or be able to provide access to them)
  • play a part in marketing the specialty to attract appropriate candidates e.g. coordinating taster sessions during foundation training, career fair representation, or liaison with specialty leads and with Royal Colleges/Faculties.

Key Result Areas:

  • Contribute to programme management decisions and ARCP processes
  • Provide evidence of robust quality management for the programme as required by GMC quality assurance process, NES Quality Management Framework and other external bodies as required.
  • Deliver an Annual Speciality Quality Management Report to the Postgraduate Dean.

Procedure for Appointment and Accountability:

The appointment process will be the responsibility of the Postgraduate Dean. DMEs and the relevant Royal College may be involved in the appointment. The Programme Director will be managerially accountable through Associate Postgraduate Deans to the Postgraduate Dean.  An annual review and appraisal will take place led by the appropriate Associate Postgraduate Dean.

TPD Induction:

On taking up the post, the local specialty APGD or Postgraduate Dean should ensure a regional induction. NES provides a TPD training course and all Programme Directors are encouraged to attend this. Please register with the NES Faculty Development Alliance and then you can sign up for the course.

Claiming Expenses for NES Activities:

As programme director you can claim expenses for NES activities using this form:




This page was last updated on: 23.02.2022 at 09.17
