Trainer information
It is important for the award of CCT that all programmes and locations where trainees are present are approved by the GMC.
NES collects information to inform the GMC process and training management should be advised of all changes to training sites or opportunities to ensure that correct processes are followed. Please advise the regional training management team if there are changes to your programme.
Information on all sites approved for training is available on the GMC website.
If a trainee is going OOPT to a location already approved and on the GMC site, then GMC approval for the OOPT is not required.
[If GMC approval is not required, deanery process for OOPT still has to be followed so that the approval can be recorded on TURAS. Process for OOP]
The GMC programme approvals process must be completed for all training locations:
Unplanned / ad-hoc placements do not require formal approval as they are not timetabled.
This policy is to be applied across Scotland.
TPDs should advise Deanery training management teams of locations within their programmes which may require formal approval. This should be reviewed on an annual basis.
GMC programme approvals process
This page was last updated on: 23.02.2022 at 09.17