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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Simulation strategy

The simulation strategy aims to deliver:

  • An improved balance between service delivery and training. At least 60% of duty time will be within daytime hours, allowing better access to elective training opportunities.
  • An improved relationship with professionalised trainers. The posts will almost all be of 12 months rather than 6 months duration; trainers will have double the time in their job plan for training compared with previously.
  • Integrated use of simulation along side the clinical apprenticeship

The strategy has been focussed on developing a culture of regular personal, in-house simulation-based training, addition of simulation to existing monthly teaching programmes and occasional courses. This strategy recognises the need for repetitive deliberate practice of skills with feedback as the foundation to developing and enhancing skills.

The diagram below shows what simulation Core Surgical Trainees can expect to access during their training.  The Scottish Government has funded the strategy along side increasing the time which trainers can dedicate to the ongoing learning of trainees.


IST Sim Strategy

This page was last updated on: 31.03.2022 at 14.22
