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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Trainee information

Less than Full Time Training (LTFT)

In Scotland we are committed and keen to encourage Less-Than-Full-Time (LTFT) training in the Scottish Foundation School.

The operational arrangements to allow flexible training in Foundation are potentially complex. There is no guarantee that a doctor can be placed in any specific programme. All placements are the result of discussion with all parties.

All LTFT foundation doctors need to complete the GMCs requirement for the equivalent of one full year at F1 (Whole-Time Equivalent WTE) and one full year at F2 (WTE).

Further information on Less Than Full-Time Training in Foundation can be found here.


Out of Programme (OOP)

There are a number of circumstances when a foundation doctor may seek to spend some time out of programme. Foundation doctors who want to take OOP should first discuss this with their educational supervisor and Foundation Programme Training Director.

For information and access to the out of programme (OOP) forms, please click here.


This page was last updated on: 17.10.2024 at 10.44
