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Foundation - Inter-Regional Transfer (IRT)

The window for requesting Foundation Inter-Regional Transfers in Scotland due to change in circumstance opens on 15/04/2024 until 10/05/2024 (inclusive)

At some point in training it may be necessary to consider moving to another part of Scotland to continue training because of unforeseen or significant changes in personal circumstances. 

Note: once allocated to an individual group and programme there is NO other system of swapping regions.  

The process for trainees who wish to transfer from one region to another in the Scottish Foundation School is shown below and trainees who wish to transfer to England, Wales or Northern Ireland must use the Inter-Foundation School Transfer process. 

What is an IRT in Foundation? 

The Scottish Foundation School Inter-Regional Transfer (IRT) process has been developed to support Foundation trainees who have had an unforeseen, significant change in circumstance since they applied for or commenced the Foundation Programme in Scotland. 

  • It should be recognised that a transfer is not an entitlement. 
  • An IRT will depend on compliance with eligibility criteria and evidence requirements. 
  • There being a vacancy in the Foundation region into which the trainee is applying. 
  • Approval does not guarantee a specific programme but will be dependent upon a vacancy being available. 
  • Strictly NO contact is to be made with the region the trainees wishes to transfer to, as this will invalidate the application. 
  • Transfers out with these times will be considered in exceptional circumstances. 

'An unforeseen, significant change in circumstances' should relate to one of the following, see below for more information: 

  1. Parent or Legal Guardian 
  2. Primary Carer  
  3. Medical Condition or Disability  
  4. Unique Circumstance  

Who is Eligible? 

  1. The Scottish Foundation School will only consider an IRT application if an incoming applicant has accepted and been allocated to a foundation training programme in Scotland and they have had a significant change in circumstances since the close of the applicant window and being allocated to Scotland. 
  2. Current F1 trainees can apply, between F1 and F2 if their circumstances have changed since they commenced F1.  Trainees must be progressing satisfactory in training and have no unresolved "cause for concern" at the time of application.  Any unresolved “cause for concern” may result in trainee’s application not being eligible for the IRT process. 

Who is NOT Eligible?  

  1. Trainees appointed to F2 Standalone posts are not eligible to use this transfer process. 
  2. Applicants who previously applied for pre-allocation to Scotland within the same recruitment/ allocation period and had their application declined are not eligible to apply for a IRT.  However, if the circumstance is different and therefore changed since original application was declined, an IRT application may be considered. 
  3. Trainees who have applied for a IFST but were declined.

Before applying you MUST: 

  1. Read the information on this page carefully and consider all alternatives before applying. 
  2. Trainees/ Incoming F1s must demonstrate that significant change to personal circumstances has occurred that could not have been foreseen at the time they applied/ commenced F1.  
  3. Trainees will require statements and supporting evidence from medical specialists and/ or local authorities it is recommended that they allow sufficient time for this to be done. 
  4. Current trainees must discuss alternative support arrangements with their Foundation Programme Director before applying for an IRT.  If alternatives have been explored and the individual still needs to apply for an IRT they must discuss this with their regional Associate Postgraduate Dean for Foundation. 
  5. Trainees may request a transfer to a region but cannot specify a particular programme or rotation they wish to be placed in at the IRT application stage. 
  6. At no time during the application process, nor the allocation and offer stage, should the trainee contact a member of administrative or clinical staff for the region into which they have applied to transfer. This is counterproductive and can lead to misinformation.
  7. If a trainee’s application is successful and capacity is present in the new region, the Training Programme Administrator will contact the trainee directly. 
  8. Any trainee found to have contacted their requested region may have their IRT application withdrawn.


Criteria for Transfer 

Trainees may apply for a transfer under one of the following criteria. These are the similar criteria used by the UKFPO for Inter-Foundation School Transfers (IFST). 

Criterion 1 - Parent or Legal Guardian 

The applicant is a parent or legal guardian of a child or children under the age of 18 at the start of the training year who reside primarily with them and for whom they have significant caring responsibilities, and their circumstances have changed since submitting their original application or commencing their foundation training. 

Applicants must describe how their circumstances have changed and why they need to move to meet the caring responsibilities. 

If the sole criterion is that the applicant (or their partner) has become pregnant since submitting their Foundation Programme application or since commencing their foundation training, this will not be regarded as a reason for an Inter-Regional Transfer. 

The applicant is required to supply the following supporting evidence: 

  1. Copy of birth certificate(s) of the child an/ or children. 
  2. Statement for reasons for requesting a transfer and how you meet this criteria. 
  3. For legal guardians, a copy of the legal document that confirms your status for the child and/ or children named in the birth certificate(s). 
  4. Completed application form and request documentation. 

Criterion 2 - Primary Carer 

The applicant is the primary carer for someone who is disabled (as defined by the Equality Act 2010) and their circumstances have changed since submitting their original Foundation Programme application or commencing their Foundation training. 

Definition of 'disability' under the Equality Act 2010: The Equality Act 2010 defines a disabled person as someone who has a physical or mental impairment and that the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

For the purposes of the Act: 

  • substantial means more than minor or trivial. 
  • long-term means that the effect of the impairment has lasted/is likely to last for at least 12 months. 
  • normal day-to-day activities include everyday things like eating, washing, walking and shopping. 

People who have had a disability in the past that meets this definition are also covered by the scope of the Act. There are additional provisions relating to people with progressive conditions. People with HIV, cancer and multiple sclerosis are protected by the Act from the point of diagnosis. People with visual impairments are automatically deemed to be disabled. Some conditions, such as a tendency to set fires or addictions to non-prescribed substances, are specifically excluded. 

For an applicant to meet this criteria, they would normally be expected to be caring for a partner, sibling or parent. Applicants must be the primary carer for this person. If the person they are caring for is not their partner, sibling or parent, applicants will be expected to explain clearly and put a strong case as to why they have the role of primary carer.

Applicants who provide care for a person as part of a group of carers, e.g. a family, are not eligible to apply under this criteria.  

Applicants will be required to supply the following supporting evidence: 

  1. Statement from GP/ Social Services confirming the applicant’s role as primary carer for named person. 
  2. Statement for reasons for requesting a transfer and how you meet this criteria. 
  3. Applicants will be required to provide a care plan as part of the application to demonstrate how they will combine the responsibilities of being a Foundation doctor and a primary carer and that local support resources have been fully considered. 
  4. Completed application form and requested documentation. 

Criterion 3 – Medical Condition or Disability 

The applicant has a medical condition (physical or mental health) or disability for which on-going follow up for the condition in the specified location is an absolute requirement. Applicants must describe how their circumstances have changed and why they need to move and present clear arguments as to why follow up arrangements could not continue as present. 

Applicants will be required to supply the following supporting evidence: 

  1. A report from the current medical specialist treating the condition/ frequency of treatment or Occupational health physician in which they will be required to: 
    • describe the current medical condition or disability. 
    • describe the nature of the on-going treatment and frequency. 
    • state why the follow up must be delivered in a specific location, rather than by other treatment centres in Scotland. 
  2. Statement for reasons for requesting a transfer and how you meet this criteria. 
  3. Completed application form and requested documentation. 

Criterion 4 – Unique Circumstances 

The applicant has a unique circumstance that requires them to be in a particular environment whilst they undertake their Foundation Programme and circumstances have changed since submitting original application or commencing in foundation training. 

Caring responsibilities, long term relationships, marriage, civil partnerships and common law partners, home ownership (existing or future) are not considered to be unique circumstances.  

Applications under this criteria are for truly unique and extraordinary circumstances only, and not just any other circumstance for which evidence is not available to meet the requirements for criteria 1, 2 and 3.  

Applicants must describe how their circumstances have changed and why they need to move and present clear arguments as to why arrangements could not continue as present. 

Applicants will be required to supply the following supporting evidence: 

  1. A report from an individual who holds a professional role and is in a position of authority in relation to the request that:  
    • describes the current unique situation.  
    • explains why foundation training can only be carried out in a specific location rather than another location in Scotland.   
  2. Statement for reasons for requesting a transfer and how you meet this criteria. 
  3. Completed application form and requested documentation. 

Applying and the Application Form

If you consider you meet one of the criteria and want to proceed with your application, you will find the application form here. 

If an incomplete application is submitted, the date the outstanding evidence is submitted will be counted as the date of submission not the original date of application submitted. 

No applications will be accepted between 11 May and 31 July (inclusive).  This is to allow ARCPs to be completed for the current training year. 

Transfers out with these times will be considered in exceptional circumstances. 

Completed applications and evidence should be sent to by the deadline, late applications will not be considered.

Panel Review and Outcome

Applications will be reviewed by a panel after the closing date, and you will be informed by e-mail of your application outcome.  Panel Review date will be on Thursday, 23 May 2024.

If your application is approved and a suitable vacancy is available within your desired region, you will be offered the vacancy by e-mail and asked to confirm that you wish to accept the post, you will have 48 hours to accept or decline, failure to respond will be noted as declined. 

If you decline the post, your transfer will not progress and you will remain on your original allocated training programme.  

If your application is approved, but a suitable vacancy is not available, you will be placed on a waiting list for a vacancy to arise as you can only be transferred when vacancy becomes available. 

Please note there is a lead-in time for local employers for paperwork completion, therefore transfers will finalised 8-10 weeks before the start of a new training year.  

If a trainee accepts an offer of transfer, details will be forwarded to the new region. 

If you have any further queries regarding Foundation IRTs in Scotland please contact 

This page was last updated on: 21.11.2024 at 15.45
