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Scotland Deanery

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F2 - ARCP Requirements (what you need to provide)

You are required to evidence that you have covered 100% of the curriculum. This will be formally assessed at the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) in June/ July 2025. The ARCP is a desktop exercise, and you will not attend. A Foundation doctor can only progress from F1 to F2 if they receive a satisfactory Outcome 1 at their ARCP. A Foundation doctor can only complete F2 if they receive a satisfactory Outcome 6 at their ARCP. It is your responsibility to provide the evidence so choose carefully how you demonstrate coverage. There are mandatory assessments and evidence that will be assessed by your Foundation Programme Director (FPD). If you receive a ‘non-standard’ outcome your FPD will contact, you to arrange a meeting to discuss what actions are required to achieve a satisfactory Outcome 1.




  • The Scottish Foundation School has agreed that evidence for all ARCPs must be submitted by 31 May 2025 via your Turas Training portfolio. 
  • Submissions received after the deadline will receive an Outcome 5.  


  • The Scottish Foundation School has created a timeline here.

ARCP Acknowledgement

  • It is your responsibility to sign/ acknowledge the ARCP form in your Turas Training Portfolio after it has been completed. 


  • If you have any queries about your ARCP requirements, please contact your FPD.


F2 ARCP Requirements (what you need to provide)

Prior to your ARCP the Training Programme Management team will send you an absence declaration via Questback for you to complete.

The maximum permitted absence from training, other than annual leave, is 20 days (when the foundation doctor would be scheduled to be at work) within each 12-month (whole-time equivalent (WTE)) period of the Foundation Programme. 

When a foundation doctor exceeds the 20 day absence this will trigger a review of whether they need to have an extra period of training (see GMC position statement)


Each foundation doctor is required to undertake a minimum of 60 hours learning. The 60 hours can consist of core learning alone or combined with non-core learning.

Core Learning

You are required to demonstrate attendance at a minimum of 30 hours of the formal Foundation Delivered Education Programme core learning

Teaching may be delivered face-to-face, online or hybrid.

Non-Core Learning

You are required to demonstrate attendance at a minimum of 30 hours of non-core learning

Non-core learning should not include statutory or mandatory training delivered by your Health Board/ employer. This is training that has been identified by your Health Board and you are required to complete as part of your employment. This will vary between Health Boards. 

Non-core learning can be replaced with core learning. For example, if you have 40 hours of core learning, a minimum of 20 hours of non-core learning will be required.



Simulation sessions are offered, and you should record your attendance, and this can be linked to your curriculum. Simulation can count towards core learning. 

Attendance at an F2 simulation session must be requested and approved through Study Leave.


ILS/ ALS does not count for either core or non-core learning.

Please see Foundation Teaching (F1 and F2)


There are a number e-learning modules relevant to foundation training:

Access to the  E-Learning for Health (e-Lfh) resource is sent direct to the foundation doctor.  The content has been developed to complement your foundation learning, the medical knowledge modules are very good, and you can record these as non-core learning. (Note - some of the induction modules can be England-focused as it has been developed by NHSE, and the statutory/mandatory induction modules on e-LfH are not suitable for your training in Scotland. They are designed for English Trusts and Foundation doctors in England)

SCRIPT is a resource available for foundation doctors to prepare for the PSA.

 please see the list of SCRIPT modules here 

SCRIPT e-learning can be used to help foundation doctors with their prescribing skills. To access please see the SCRIPT modules here.

The NES Foundation School Trainee Teaching Repository is one of many resources you can use during your foundation training, for further information please access here.

It is important you attend the Delivered Education Programme preferentially and use the modules to ‘top up’ or to explore your interests. We would prefer you to be taught in the workplace during working hours rather than do this in your own time.

If you perceive you will have difficulties in meeting the minimum of 60 hours, please raise this with your Foundation Programme Director immediately.

Recording your Learning and Personal Learning Log (PLL)

All foundation doctors should record their attendance at formal foundation delivered education programme, provided to support the curriculum (core learning), and any non-core learning you attend either in your Local Education Providers, other venues, or online.

Record attendance at teaching in your Turas Training Portfolio under the Mandatory Learning Log using the record of learning form for both core and non-core learning. Your FPD will only be able to see the learning log if you record it in this way.


The Foundation Programme Curriculum can be found on the UKFPO website

Foundation doctors are required to provide a range of evidence demonstrating that they have covered the F1 curriculum. The F1 curriculum contains 13 Foundation Professional Capabilities (FPC).

The Turas Training Portfolio will allow up to 10 pieces of evidence per FPC and each piece of evidence can be linked up to 3 times.

In the Turas Training Portfolio each FPC can be opened to show suggested behaviours to help you with evidence linking. 

Foundation doctors are expected to provide a range of Supervised Learning Events (SLEs) covering physical health, mental health and social health.

It is important that specific evidence is provided for:

  • FPC2: Clinical Prioritisation: recognise and, where appropriate, initiate urgent treatment of deterioration in physical and mental health. 

You are expected to demonstrate these competencies through simulation. We also offer ILS courses that will provide you with the evidence.

We offer ALS courses that will provide you with this evidence for F2. Attendance and approval at an ALS course must be requested through Study Leave, with the course fee funding requested when applying for the leave.

Please contact your local administrator for advice/ bookings here.

Higher Level Outcome (HLO)

There are 3 Higher Level Outcomes (HLOs), and these are demonstrated by behaviours in the training programme and workplace in line with the 13 Foundation Professional Capabilities (FPCs). Further information can be found on the UKFPO Website under Curriculum Resource.

Summary Narrative

The rationale behind the Summary Narrative is that the Foundation doctor will review their learning progress and ensure that they have the required range of evidence.

As a consequence of the reduced burden of assessments and having removed the minimum numbers of SLEs the Foundation doctor and their supervisors will need to be confident that the Higher Learning Outcomes (HLOs) have been met.

The summary narrative allows the Foundation doctor to write a supporting submission that will explain to the CS or ES why they have selected the evidence they have for sign off. It will allow the CS or ES to understand the rationale for the evidence provided. Each HLO requires a 300-word maximum submission that explains the rationale for the selection of the evidence provided.

Foundation doctors should commence summary narratives towards the end of post 1. This will help critically appraise progress and inform the Personal Development Plan (PDP) for subsequent posts. The ES will review this progress.

The content of the summary narrative is not summative (i.e. pass/ fail) however having 3 completed summary narratives in place by the ARCP is mandatory.

Examples of summary narratives listed below:

The summary narrative YouTube video
What is the Summary Narrative
Example 1 – Summary narrative for HLO 1
Example 2 – Summary narrative for HLO 1


Foundation doctors should complete reflections throughout the year. Whilst there is no minimum, several pieces of reflection in the Turas Training Portfolio are expected in addition to the completion of Summary Narratives. Information on Reflection can be found here.

Foundation doctors should have a Personal Development Plan (PDP) for each placement within the training year.

The PDP should set out the specific aims and learning objectives and be based on the requirements for satisfactory completion of the F1 or F2 foundation programme.

At the beginning of each placement the foundation doctor should agree their PDP with their supervisor and record it in the Turas Training Portfolio. 

The PDP should form the basis of all appraisal discussions.

Once objectives have been achieved, they can be ticked off. These will remain on the PDP page to allow you to reflect on your achievements throughout the training year.

PDPs can be used for learning objectives related to your curriculum outcomes, career management goals, research goals, etc.

The Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) is not a mandatory requirement for F2 ARCP

If you have joined in F2 without a Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) pass, there will be opportunities to sit during your F2 year.

Further information on PSA and assessment dates including the SCRIPT resource can be found here.

Foundation doctors are required to provide evidence that they have taken an active part in processes to improve quality of care (FPC9).

There is no minimum of Quality Assurance / Quality Improvement projects that can be completed during Foundation.

Evidence of Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement can be evidenced by attending teaching, working on modules, taking part in surveys etc.

In F2, it is expected that you will have active involvement in a QI project.

Within the Turas Training Portfolio, you can add a new record form ‘You have actively participated in a QI (e.g. Audit, SEA, etc) and would like to add the evidence to your Turas Training Portfolio.’

Your Foundation Programme Director (FPD) will complete an End of Year Report after the ARCP evidence submission date and ahead of your ARCP. 

For your ARCP you will need: 

  • 3 x satisfactory clinical supervisor reports, plus
  • 3 x satisfactory educational supervisor reports (these are often combined ES/ CS reports in Scotland)

If any of the reports are not satisfactory your FPD will make a decision at your ARCP. 

If the Foundation doctor has not satisfactorily completed one placement but has been making good progress in other respects, it may still be appropriate to confirm that they have met the requirements for progression. This decision will be at the discretion of the ARCP panel.

Guidance on PSG can be found here

PSG will usually be completed in block 2, however your supervisor may wish to create this in block 1. 

The PSG provides additional complementary information to the TAB, and you may find that it is feedback that you will want to have in your Turas Training portfolio for interviews. In this form there is a section for you and the supervisor to record areas where you have demonstrated excellence i.e. a high-level piece of QI, a GREATIX

A minimum of 1 satisfactory PSG per year.

Guidance about TAB can be found in your Turas Training Portfolio.

Foundation doctors are required to have 1 satisfactory TAB during the training year. This should be from at least 2 consultants or equivalent and must include 1 from your Educational Supervisor. To achieve a satisfactory TAB, you should have the correct mix and number of contributors. Foundation doctors are encouraged to complete a TAB in the first post of your training year. Your supervisor will review the TAB feedback at the end of your post and release the feedback to you. 

If the TAB is not satisfactory you will be asked to complete at least one further TAB to show improvement. 

You may then be asked to complete an additional TAB in the third block if necessary. 

A minimum of 1 satisfactory TAB per year.

As a F2 you will need to complete an annual SOAR declaration as you hold full GMC registration the link will be sent to you ahead of your ARCP.

Details of the different types of SLEs can be found in your Turas Training Portfolio. 

You are required to evidence that the 13 Foundation Professional Capabilities (FPCs) have been met. This can be through a variety of SLEs e.g. Mini-CEX, DOPS, CBD, DCT.

The 13 FPCs make up the 3 HLOs. There is no specific number of SLEs that need to be undertaken however you are required to provide enough evidence for each of the 13 FPCs and should use some SLEs for this purpose. 

Please see for information. e-Learning for Health (e-LfH) has produced a module about SLEs which can be completed on the e-LfH website

End of Placement Report 

Foundation doctors should have an induction meeting with both the Clinical Supervisor (CS) and Educational Supervisor (ES) for all placements. 

For the majority of posts your CS and ES will be the same person, and a combined induction form can be completed. 

You must have End of Placement Review meetings with both the CS and ES for all placements.

If any of the reports are not satisfactory your FPD will make a decision at your ARCP. This decision is at the discretion of your FPD who will assess your overall progress throughout the training year.

General Meeting Form

Your supervisor may also complete a General Meeting Form for any meetings they have with you other than those described above. 

Foundation doctors are required to.

  • Complete the Scottish Trainee Survey (STS) in blocks 1 and 2.
  • Complete the GMC National Trainee Survey (NTS) in block 3.

These surveys can be recorded as participation under ‘Achievements’ in your Turas Training Portfolio using the completion code or other relevant information.  


At your induction you  were provided with  details on how to access and complete your Turas Training Portfolio 

Please upload a photograph into your Turas Training Portfolio.

The email address associated with your Turas Training Portfolio must be your email address. This should be updated as soon as you are allocated your email address.

For information on how to build a portfolio How to Build a Portfolio


The Foundation School has created a timeline for completion of your portfolio throughout the training year which can be found here.

This page was last updated on: 07.02.2025 at 12.46
