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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Trainee information

Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP)

Please use the links below to find information about your ARCP requirements including explanations of SLEs, examples of summary narratives, and lots more hints and tips on how to complete your portfolio.

The information on these pages covers the requirements for F1 and F2 doctors who have an ARCP in 2025. It should be used in conjunction with the UKFPO ARCP checklist. The information on these pages serves to provide some clarity and explanation to the document.

The main requirements listed may not apply to Foundation doctors who have had a remedial outcome who will have had specific requirements set by the FPD/APGD. Please contact your FPD for advice if you are out of sync or have had a remedial outcome at the last ARCP.

Please provide your evidence in your completed portfolio by 31st May 2025 in order to give your FPD time to review your evidence before the ARCP which will be held in June/July.

The ARCP will be a desktop exercise, and you will not attend. You will receive a notification that your outcome will be issued on Turas after the ARCP. You should then log into your Turas Training Portfolio and acknowledge this.  It is essential that you acknowledge your ARCP outcome 1 or 6 also allow your F1CC or FPCC certificate to be created and allow you to download.

If you receive a developmental outcome, you will be notified by your FPD and will be invited to a further meeting to discuss what actions are required. For the vast majority of you this will not be relevant.

The structure of the delivery of educational supervision is slightly different in each of the four UK nations and these pages will clarify some of the questions you may have.

The Foundation Curriculum

All Foundation doctors in Scotland follow the Foundation curriculum as detailed on the UKFPO website where you will find details about Supervised Learning Events (SLEs), the Placement Supervision Group (PSG) and your summary narrative. 

For ARCP 2025 you will need: 

  • 3 x satisfactory clinical supervisor reports, plus
  • 3 x satisfactory educational supervisor reports (these can be combined ESR/CSR reports), plus
  • 1 x end of year report - completed by your FPD (this will be completed and submitted after the ARCP deadline date - 31/05/2025 and ahead of your ARCP)

If any of the reports are not satisfactory your FPD will make a decision at your ARCP. 

The UKFPO guidance requires 3 CS reports but only 2 ES reports as the ES completes the end of year report instead of a 3rd report as it covers the entire year including post 3.  In England the ES remains constant for the whole year hence the discrepancy and in Scotland Foundation doctors normally have 3 CS and 3 ES.

ARCP deadline to upload evidence is 31 May 2025.

Higher Learning Outcomes

HLO 1: An accountable capable and compassionate doctor 

(FPC 1‐5)

HLO 2: A valuable number of the healthcare workforce

(FPC 6‐10)

HLO 3: A professional, responsible for their own practice and portfolio development

(FPC 11‐13)


Clinical assessment: assess patient needs in a variety of clinical settings include acute, non‐acute and community.


Sharing the vision: work confidently within and, where appropriate, guide the multi‐professional team to deliver a consistently high standard of patient care based on sound ethical principles.


Ethics and law: demonstrate professional practice in line with the curriculum, GMC, and other statutory requirements through development of a professional portfolio.


Clinical prioritisation: recognise and, where appropriate, initiate urgent treatment of deterioration in physical and mental health.


Fitness for practice: develop the skills necessary to manage own personal wellbeing.


Continuing Professional Development (CPD): develop practice, including the acquisition of new knowledge and skills through experiential learning; acceptance of feedback and, if necessary, remediation; reading and, if appropriate, by research.


Holistic planning: diagnose and formulate treatment plans (with appropriate supervision) that include ethical consideration of the physical, psychological, and social needs of the patient.


Upholding values: act as a responsible employee, including speaking up when others do not act in accordance with the values of the healthcare system.


Understanding medicine: understand the breadth of medical practice and plan a career.


Communication and care: provide clear explanations to patients/carers, agree a plan, and deliver healthcare advice and treatment where appropriate.


Quality improvement: take an active part in processes to improve the quality of care.




Continuity of care: contribute to safe ongoing care both in and out of hours.


Teaching the teacher: teach and present effectively.




e‐portfolio evidence PSA certificate – F1 only


e‐portfolio evidence


e‐portfolio evidence Learning log

Engagement in feedback on training


This page was last updated on: 17.10.2024 at 10.22
