Single accommodation is available on a full time basis, the charge including utilities is £350 per month - details on application. Please apply soon as local accommodation is in high demand.
In addition we may have limited family accommodation on a full time basis.
The base for foundation, specialty trainees and most GPSTs in South East Scotland is Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. The excess travel agreement allows payment to foundation doctors travelling between “home to the placement outwith the agreed base”. If you have full time local accommodation (i.e. your temporary home), you are not eligible for excess travel to your permanent address if you choose to commute on certain days.
There are a number of on-call rooms in the Borders General Hospital residencies which can be accessed for occasional overnight stays at no charge if you are on night / long days etc to avoid unnecessary commuting. In this case you would be eligible for excess travel expenses to permanent address for your commuting journeys between your permanent address and BGH in line with the agreement.
PCS(DD)2010/8 - Relocation and excess travel expenses: doctors in the training grades (