Trainee information
F1 sign off
F1 foundation doctors who have successfully completed their F1 year and have achieved an Outcome 1 in their ARCP will be issued with a Foundation Year 1 Certificate of Completion (F1CC) document.
This document is your end of year certificate and will be signed off by the Foundation School Director or other authorised signatory in the Foundation School.
If your training end date is changed you must contact the Foundation School Manager by email to inform them of the reason and new date to allow GMC Connect to be updated with your new end date.
Your Certificate of Experience (CoE) required by the GMC to allow full registration will not be processed unless you have a F1CC.
There is NO paper copy, and the Foundation School will not hold a copy of your F1CC, but you can download your certificate and other training documents as part of your Turas Training Portfolio.
GMC Full Registration
You must have and hold full registration before you start F2.
Applying on GMC Online
Three months before you're due to start F2, you should log in to GMC Online to apply.
You'll need your GMC reference number and the password you set when you applied for provisional registration. If you can't remember your password, you can reset it on the log in page.
On the menu on the left, click on 'My Details' and make sure your address and telephone numbers are correct. Next, click on 'My Registration' then 'My Applications', and follow the instructions to apply.
Actions required:
Application process for International Medical Graduates
For international graduates the Scottish Foundation School will email your information as part of your submission you may need to submit additional documents. Please use the links in the information email, sent by the Scottish Foundation School team.
Confirming your start date
You will be asked to confirm the date you want your full registration to start. Foundation doctors are not able to commence work at F2 level until they hold full registration with a licence to practise.
Declaring any fitness to practise issues
You'll need to declare any issues that could potentially affect your suitability to be a doctor (fitness to practise issues), such as criminal convictions or problems with drug or alcohol abuse. You should declare all potential fitness to practise issues - you can find out more about these on the GMC website.
If you have a fitness to practise issue to declare, you should apply as early as possible because they may need further evidence from you about it. If you're not sure whether something matters, it's better to declare it so they can assess and discount it rather than finding out about it later.
Paying the fee
The cost of full registration will need to be paid when you submit your online application. Paying the fee doesn't automatically grant your registration with a license to practice; this will be granted if they approve your application.
Sending your Certificate of Experience (CoE)
Before the GMC can grant your registration, the Foundation School need to confirm that you've met the requirements of F1. They do this by submitting the Certificate of Experience directly to the GMC within their timeline.
For all graduates, your registration will be processed through the Foundation School you are currently working in. The designated representative of your Foundation School will automatically send your certificate of experience directly to the GMC.
To find out who's responsible for completing your certificate please refer to the GMC web page.
The GMC will process your application when they receive your Certificate of Experience and match it with your online application. You can check the progress of your application by clicking on 'My Applications' on GMC Online. They will send you a certificate once they have processed your application.
Before you start your F2 job
Your new registration status will show on the online medical register from the start date you chose in your application. You can see this here. You should make sure that you're fully registered before you start your F2 job. Failure to do this will impact on your progression to F2 training and will result in an extension to training.
If you have any questions or need any more information, you can contact the GMC by email.
Now that you are a F2 and have gained full registration you will need to connect to a designated body in Scotland. Your designated body is NHS Education for Scotland. It is important for you to update your connection and this will need to be done by updating your details in the ‘My Revalidation’ section of your GMC Online account. You will be sent a reminder by the GMC 30 days after you were granted full registration. If you have not updated your connection, after three months you will get formal notice that the GMC are considering whether to remove your licence to practice.
When connecting to your designated body, please ensure you select NHS Education for Scotland and not NES Healthcare which is a different body.
There is more information about revalidation on the GMC website.
Foundation doctors can access a step by step ‘Connection Tool’ and supporting information the on the GMC website. Please also see this slide set. This short set of slides will take you through the steps doctors need to go through in their GMC Online account in order to set up their connection. It is your responsibility as a doctor in training to manage your connection for the purposes of revalidation.
What is a licenced to practise?
Every doctor who practises medicine in the UK must hold a must licence to practise and is subject to revalidation. Please see more details on the GMC website here.
This page was last updated on: 24.03.2025 at 14.44