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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Regional Teaching (West)

Local postgraduate teaching sessions are delivered in each region for Obstetrics and Gynaecology trainees throughout Scotland. 

If the session is virtual, those running the session will welcome trainees from other regions – please contact the organiser for more information.

Regional CTG teaching - Friday 27th October 2024, afternoon: This will be IN-PERSON in the Kirklands lecture theatre; proposed start time is 1430 but will be confirmed nearer the time. Dr David Rutherford will be leading the session, with Dr Khadeeja Ahmed and Dr Sarah Muhammed, and will cover fetal physiology, basic CTG interpretation and computerised CTG analysis.


The following courses are based at Kirklands, NHS Lanarkshire. Unless otherwise specified, you email to register. 

Hands on laparoscopy skills 15/09/23: small course, usually core trainees ST3+.

COMPOP - January 2024 (provisionally 17/01/24): This is for senior trainees (at least ST5+), held at Kirklands; focussing on the management of complex operative birth. Brilliant hands-on course organised by Dr Evelyn Ferguson with lots of senior faculty, covering rotational instrumental birth, uterine inversion, massive PPH, B-Lynch sutures etc. Exact date TBC.

3rd degree repair course 29/04/23: some places available still, priority will be given as much as possible to ST3 trainees who require to have this competency this year for ARCP. There will be an online webinar for the theoretical part of the course the week before.

Hands on laparoscopy skills 02/05/24 - 03/05/24: 2 days course with 1st day dedicated to core training and second day exclusively to ATSM trainees.

Hysteroscopy course 21/06/24: usually ST3+.

Any changes will be communicated to West trainees via email.

Topic: Labour Ward Prioritisation

Chair: Dr Marcus McMillan

Venue: Lecture Theatre, Ground Floor, Lister Building, Glasgow Royal Infirmary

Time: Friday 31st January 2025 2-4pm


This page was last updated on: 16.12.2024 at 13.52
