Trainee information
I would like to welcome you to the West of Scotland region for Obstetrics and Gynaecology Training. We have a fabulous programme for ST1-7 trainees with a varied group of hospitals and enthusiastic trainers. The region covers 7 units, Princess Royal Maternity Hospital/Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Royal Alexandra Hospital, University Hospital Lanarkshire, University Hospital Crosshouse, Forth Valley Royal Hospital and Dumfries and Galloway Royal Hospital. You can find information about the individual units in those sections.
During the programme trainees can be placed at any of the units mentioned as all accommodate every stage of training, other than Dumfries and Galloway where only intermediate trainees are based. Following successful appointment to the programme you will be asked for a preference for ST1 and thereafter each year you will complete an allocations preference form regarding the next year’s place of work. This is based primarily on educational requirements and is agreed in discussion with the TPD and Deputy TPD. ST2 trainees generally stay in the same unit for ST3 to allow continuity and familiarity for the step up to the middle grade rota. It is expected that ST4 trainees will rotate to Dumfries and Galloway. Less than fulltime training is supported at all stages in training following discussion with the TPD and APGD for LTFT training in the region. Please see the LTFT section for further information.
The programme has an establishment of 89 trainees. Contact details for each unit can be found in the relevant section.
All aspects of the core curriculum are provided within the programme and there are also out of programme opportunities link to OOP and subspecialty training. The region has subspecialty posts in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, a programme that is split between the West and South East region. There are also opportunities for subspecialty training in urogynaecology and gynae-oncology. Link to subspec page. The majority of ATSMs are also provided and information is provided within the senior training pages.
The programme has a rich history of providing excellent training and many of our trainees go on to become consultants within the region and many give back by being involved in training the consultants of tomorrow.
I hope you enjoy your training with us, please get in touch if you have any questions regarding the Obstetrics and Gynaecology programme in the West of Scotland.
Kirstyn Brogan, TPD
This page was last updated on: 17.11.2021 at 13.15