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Trainee information

Special Interest Training Modules (SITMs)

Special Interest Training Modules (SITMs)


SITMs provide advanced, specialised training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. There are seven obstetric modules and 14 gynaecology modules available in the SITM programme.

Key information for SITMs

  • Two completed SITMs are required to gain CCT
  • One SITM can be undertaken from ST5
  • A second SITM can only be started once you have achieved MRCOG
  • SITM training time is protected from ST6
  • Only two SITMs can be undertaken concurrently. One must be completed before registering for another.
  • There are three foundation SITMs: these are only mandatory if you want to undertake one of the five relevant contingent SITMs.

Available SITMs


Registration requirement

Fetal Care (F)

Core USS must be completed

Prenatal Diagnosis

Requires Fetal Care

Pregnancy Care (F)


Maternal Medicine

Requires Pregnancy Care

Premature Birth Prevention


Perinatal Mental Health


Supportive Obstetrics




Registration Requirements

Gynaecology Surgical Care (F)


Management of complex non-malignant disease

Requires Gynae Surgical Care

Competitive Entry


Requires Gynae Surgical Care



Chronic Pelvic Pain




Complex early pregnancy and non-elective gynaecology

Core USS must be completed

Therapeutic Hysteroscopy


Menopause Care


Paediatric and adolescent gynaecology


Robotic assisted gynaecology surgery

Requires Gynae surgical care

Safe practice in abortion care


Urogynaecology and vaginal surgery


Vulval disease



The definitive curricula document for SITMs is available here.

How do I decide on which SITM to take?

Each region of Scotland offers SITM placements, although these differ in the different individual units. Please see these links for information about the provision in South East, East, North and West of Scotland.

You will be offered career advice through discussion with your educational and clinical supervisors during intermediate training. The combination of SITMs taken should be discussed during your ST4 ARCP and supervisor meetings to enable local planning of educational programmes and workforce numbers.

Specific information and advice can be sought from the SITM Directors in the individual regions.

How is the SITM curriculum structured?

  1. Capabilities in Practice – Each CIP is supported by the key skills expected to be demonstrated by an O&G doctor who has completed the SITM. Each key skill has a set of descriptors intended to help trainees/trainers judge the minimum level of knowledge, skills and attributes demonstrated by O&G trainees completing the SITM. Each CIP also lists the knowledge criteria relevant to that CIP
  2. Procedures – all the procedures expected to be experienced during the SITM are listed with an indication of the level expected by the end of training
  3. SITM Courses - For some SITMs attendance at courses is mandatory or highly recommended – information about the courses can be found on the RCOG webpage for each SITM accessed here through the main SITM page.

How do I achieve the training requirements?

SITMs are designed to be delivered within the normal working week at both district general and tertiary hospitals. Some SITMs have curriculum requirements which can only be obtained in a tertiary hospital so it is important to discuss your preferences with your supervisors and SITM directors to allow placement in the appropriate unit.

SITM training is delivered by:

  • SITM Educational supervisors
  • SITM Preceptors – responsible for the overall deanery-wide provision and quality control of their SITM ensuring appropriate educational support and assessment.

Click here for a list of preceptors for East, South-East, West and North regions

  • SITM Directors – responsible for all SITMs within the deanery including the standard and delivery of training. The director must sign all SITM registration forms and acts as the link between the deanery and the RCOG.

How is the SITM assessed?

Towards the end of the training year, trainees will assess their own progression for each CIP and record this on the ePortfolio. The SITM supervisor will then review the evidence in the ePortfolio including workplace-based assessments, the TO2 and the trainee’s self-assessment. The global judgement is added to the Educational Supervisor Report.

How do I register for an SITM?

Registering for an SITM

  • Complete the SITM registration form (this form requires signatures from the SITM Educational Supervisor in charge of that ATSM, the SITM preceptor and the SITM Deanery Director
  • Send the completed form to the Trainees’ Coordinator at the RCOG (Email: specialinterest@rcog.org.uk)
  • Pay the SITM Registration Fee: on receipt of the registration form for the SITM the RCOG will set up the online payment for the fee

How do I complete an SITM?

Once the SITM is complete you need to complete the notification of completion of training form which will be signed by your SITM Educational Supervisor, the SITM preceptor and the SITM Deanery Director and the completed form send to the Trainees’ coordinator at the RCOG (Email: specialinterest@rcog.org.uk)


  1. Update to the page labelled ATSM Directors

Home Trainee information Obstetrics and Gynaecology Trainee Information Training Advanced Training ATSM Directors


This page should now be labelled SITM Directors and Preceptors.

Can you please put SITM director pictures and info at the top, then region by region links or information?

Each region will need to update their own list  - so perhaps for now the page could be further subdivided to 4 pages, one for each region.

For South East information should read.

South East

The SITM Director for South East Scotland is Dr Lesley Curry (lesley.curry2@nhs.scot).

The preceptors for SITMs are as below:

Available SITMs



Fetal Care (F)

Dr Sarah Cooper, RIE


Prenatal Diagnosis

Dr Sarah Cooper, RIE


Pregnancy Care (F)

Dr Hanan Mustafa, RIE


Maternal Medicine

Dr Claire Alexander, RIE


Premature Birth Prevention

Dr Kirsty Dundas and Dr Alastair Campbell, RIE

Kirsty.Dundas@nhs.scot; Alastair.Campbell@nhs.scot

Perinatal Mental Health


Supportive Obstetrics





Gynaecology Surgical Care (F)

Dr Karen Rose


Management of complex non-malignant disease

Dr Stuart Jack



Dr Scott Fegan



Dr Maya Chetty, RIE


Chronic Pelvic Pain

Prof Andrew Horne, RIE



Dr Alison Macleod, SJH


Complex early pregnancy and non-elective gynaecology

Prof Colin Duncan, Dr Karen Rose, RIE

w.c.duncan@ed.ac.uk; karen.rose@nhs.scot

Therapeutic Hysteroscopy

Dr Jonathan Chamberlain, RIE


Menopause Care

Dr Ellen Golightly, Chalmers


Paediatric and adolescent gynaecology

Dr Shiona Coutts, SJH


Robotic assisted gynaecology surgery

Not yet available

Safe practice in abortion care

Prof Sharon Cameron, Chalmers


Urogynaecology and vaginal surgery

Dr Julia Wilkens, SJH


Vulval disease

Dr Jacqui Laurie




Clinical Research

Prof Colin Duncan, RIE


Medical Education

Prof Colin Duncan, RIE


Leadership and Management

Dr Lesley Curry, Fife








This page was last updated on: 18.10.2024 at 10.17
