Trainee information
Core team:
The aim of the National Deanery Teaching Programme (NDTP) is to deliver accessible, flexible, high quality virtual teaching through MS Teams. The content is mapped to the 2019 RCOG curriculum and covers aspects of the Capabilities in Practice (CiPs) that are more difficult to attain in every day clinical practice. The programme will focus on the specialist knowledge and skills available in each region and will be delivered as a full day of teaching. Study leave can be applied for through TURAS and your rota coordinator. If you are unable to attend the session in real time, the sessions will be recorded and are available retrospectively. You can request flexible study leave to watch these recordings at a later date. To request access to the NDTP channel on MS Teams, please contact Christy Lamont (
Friday March 24th 2023 all day
West of Scotland to host
New innovations in gynaecology operating and Placenta Accreta Syndrome
Contact Dr Christy Lamont (
Friday 17th June all day
Mental Health of Patients and Clinicians
West of Scotland Host: Dr Sarah Barr and Dr Christy Lamont
0900-1000 Professor Siobhan Banks
Director, Behaviour-Brain-Body Research Centre, University of South Australia
Dr Banks' research examines the impact of sleep deprivation and 24/7 work schedules on psychological and physiological functioning and how countermeasures may be used to prevent the deleterious effects of disturbed sleep, and manage fatigue.
1000-1045 Dr Kate Patrick, consultant gynaecologist, Forth Valley Royal Hospital
Workplace behaviour champion and Director of Medical Education
Looking after ourselves and each other at work
1045-1100 Break
1100-1230 Dr Aman Durrani, consultant Psychiatrist, Leverndale Hospital, NHS GG&C
What every O&G trainee needs to know about psychiatry
Common prescribing in pregnancy
1230-1300 Nursing team – Mother and Baby Unit, Leverndale Hospital
How does a Mother and Baby Unit Work?
1300-1330 Lunch
1330-1430 Dr Katherine Morton, consultant Psychiatrist, NHS Lanarkshire
Looking after women with eating disorders in pregnancy
1430-1445 Break
1445-1545 Dr Sarah Quinn, RCOG Trainees Representative for Workplace Behaviour
Civility Saves Lives
Thu, 24 Aug 2023 09:00 - Fri, 25 Aug 2023 17:00 BST
Basic Practical Skills 2023
The course is intended for trainees ST1-2 and is a mandatory requirement for entry into ST3.
Date and time
Thu, 24 Aug 2023 09:00 - Fri, 25 Aug 2023 17:00 BST
Kirklands Hospital Fallside Road Bothwell G71 8BB
Refund Policy
Contact the organiser to request a refund.
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.
About this event
9.00am Welcome and introduction
9.05am Handling instruments and knot tying (video, demonstration and practical)
10.50am Suturing techniques (Practical), Interrupted sutures (including mattress and figure of eight, mattress), continuous sutures, subcuticular suturing, abdominal entry
1.05pm LUNCH
2.05pm Principles of safe hysteroscopy (Lecture)
2.25pm Principles of safe laparoscopy (Lecture)
3.10pm Practical stations:
5.00pm Feedback and close of Day 1
9.00am Recognition of deterioration in obstetric patient (Recorded Lecture)
9.20am Pelvic anatomy (Lecture)
9.50am Caesarean section (Video)
Breech delivery (Demonstration)
10.35am Human factors (Recorded Lecture)
Group work at stations
3.30pm Discussion
3.50pm Faculty debrief
4.00pm CLOSE
About the organiser
Organised by
Friday June 16th 2023 all day
North and East to host
Early pregnancy/miscarriage and gestational trophoblastic disease
Friday September 20th 2023 all day
South East to host
Medico-legal aspects of obstetrics and gynaecology
Implementing policy from Scottish government
Friday November 24th 2023
South East of Scotland to host
Annual Meeting of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Specialty Trainees (AMOnGST)
Dear all
Bookings are still open for AMOnGST 2023! Register to attend here.
24th November
Apex Hotel Waterloo Place, Edinburgh
For anyone who is new to O&G training in Scotland – AMOnGST is the Annual Meeting of O&G Specialty Trainees and is included in the regional teaching programme. This year South-East Scotland are hosting it.
There will be a daytime conference followed by an evening dinner and entertainment.
The abstract submission deadline has been extended to 20.10.23
This year abstracts will be accepted for presentation of research, audit, QI projects, case reports and also for ‘Maternal Medicine Case Presentations’.
Any other questions can be directed to
Hopefully see you there!
Best wishes
Dr Laura Stirrat
ST7 in Obstetrics & Gynaecology – Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Honorary Clinical Fellow – Centre for Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Edinburgh
Dear Trainee in Obstetrics and Gnyaecology,
10th January 09:30 MS Teams
We are delighted to invite you to the next National Teaching sessions for postgraduate trainees in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
This will be on the 10th January 2023 from 9.30am and be delivered over MS Teams. If you are not a member of the team, please contact me at for access to this.
The content will be delivered by national experts and will include:
The exact running order will be confirmed in the new year - please keep an eye on the MS Teams channel for updates.
Looking forward to seeing you there but if you cannot make it "live", the content will be recorded for retrospective viewing.
Best wishes
Dr MC Lamont
Locum Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
NHS Lanarkshire
Central Belt Journal Club
Wednesday 10th January 2024
Wednesday 13th March 2024
Friday 3rd May 2024
Friday 14th June 2024
A Central Belt Journal Club, organised by a small group of South-East and West trainees, occurs approximately monthly on Fridays via Microsoft Teams. A trainee presents a recent paper that is clinically relevant to our practice, with subsequent discussion supervised by a Consultant. It is a great opportunity to learn about up-to-date evidence in our specialty and gain experience in critical appraisal. Certificates are available for both presenters and attendees, which are excellent for evidencing research skills on your ePortfolio. All trainees are welcome. If you have read a really interesting paper recently and/or would like to present at a meeting, please contact Cheryl Dunlop at
We hope to see you (virtually) soon!
This page was last updated on: 16.12.2024 at 13.47