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Courses & Events

British Trauma Society Annual Meeting

Course/Event Date: Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Course/Event Duration: 2 Days

Course/Event Description

It is with great excitement we can announce that we are now calling for abstracts for our 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting!

A two day annual scientific meeting of British Trauma Society is taking place in Oxford on 23rd and 24th November 2022.

You are invited to submit an abstract for oral presentation and also for poster presentation via our website: https://www.britishtrauma.com/.

We are a multidisciplinary society and so any topic related to the care of the injured from the pre-hospital to hospital specialists to rehabilitation will be favourably considered. The meeting is also open to students and all allied health care professionals. Prizes are available for the best presentations!

On the day before the meeting, on 22nd November, there is an educational day on “Innovation in trauma". Further details will be posted on BTS website.

The closing date for submission is 31st July.

Registration for the event will be open at a later time.

Course/Event Venue: Oxford

This course is targeted at the following specialty Groupings:

  • Surgery
  • Foundation Programme Board

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