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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Trainee Development and Wellbeing Service

Starting and returning to work


Starting to work in NHS Scotland

Starting a new job is never easy and many doctors starting work for the first time in NHS Scotland will feel outside their comfort zone, whether they are in a new hospital, a new city or even a different country. It may be their first job as a doctor or they may have been practising for many years. Local departments should provide doctors starting work in Scotland with the information required to make this process as smooth as possible, and we have provided additional links below.


Returning to Practice after time out

Many trainees will need or choose to take some time out of training. This may be for a wide variety of personal and professional reasons, such as further training, caring responsibilities, ill health or research. Returning to training after time out of practice can be a challenging process and each doctor will have different needs, reflecting their own experiences and circumstances.


Our aims:

To provide support and resources for doctors in training, starting work in NHS Scotland for the first time, recognising the specific needs of international medical graduates and refugee doctors

To ensure a consistent approach to support doctors returning to training with a defined process and framework

To provide resources to enable an individual needs assessment for all doctors who return to training

To provide appropriate individualised support and resources for doctors returning to training

To provide training and resources for Educational Supervisors to help them support doctors returning to training


Useful links:

New to working in Scotland? | Scotland Deanery (nhs.scot)

International Medical Graduates (IMGs) (nhs.scot)

Return to Clinical Practice (nhs.scot)

Return from Extended Leave | Hub (nes.digital)

taking-time-out-after-foundation-1.pdf (nhs.scot)

Return to practice guidance.pdf (aomrc.org.uk)




This page was last updated on: 18.06.2024 at 15.32
