Applications are invited for our Medical Education Fellow (MEF) positions for August 2025 offering a combination of opportunities in teaching, personal development, research, and educational quality improvement within NHS Lothian.
Working with the MED team [] and with multi-professional colleagues these posts afford the opportunity to impact on the delivery and development of safe, effective, and person-centred clinical care through training excellence.
Post 1: The posts can be tailored for senior trainees (ST4+) developing a career interest in clinical education and leadership and would also be ideal for an applicant with four years (ST/CT2+) postgraduate medical training wishing to develop skills and gain experience in medical education and educational research.
Post 2: Following the success of last year’s appointments, there is one 2-year fixed term post available, aimed at senior trainees (ST4+) who have a particular interest in medical education scholarship. This post will incorporate the completion of an MD in medical education but will also retain the other features of the MEF positions in terms of teaching obligations and personal development opportunities.
These are whole time positions based on a 40-hour week appointment (PT considered) with salary in line with current seniority at time of appointment linked to the pay and conditions of service of hospital medical and dental staff NHS Circular on a pro rata basis.
Informal enquiries to Dr Sara Robinson [Deputy Director of Medical Education] via Comien Moffat at