Dental Quality Management Group
The Dental Directorate quality workstream has a single Quality Management Group that covers all dental specialty training, the Dental Directorate Quality Management Group (DDQMG)
The DDQMG is responsible for the governance around data and intelligence management including the management of Quality Management visits.
The membership of DDQMG consists of the Postgraduate Dental Dean (who chairs the group), and representation from each of the Dental Directorate workstreams. This representation is usually by the relevant Associate Postgraduate Dean or Workstream Lead. The Dental Directorate General Manager and the Dental Directorate Quality Manager (QM) are also part of the group.
Associate Postgraduate Deans and Workstream Leads bring intelligence around training issues to the DDQMG.
DDQMG meets every 2 months to review activity and any relevant emergent data.
DDQMG has 4 core functions that support the delivery of quality management of Dental Training:
This page was last updated on: 02.05.2024 at 12.30